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Le innocent me blushing on this chapter, because of the chapter number 34+35, I swear I'm very innocent

Siddharth stand there clenching his fist, he felt extreme infuriated by her this behavior, she thought maybe he doesn't noticed, but he heed every single thing, he felt that she is trying to say something or trying to mock, now he can't tolerate her this behavior as they always end up fighting just cause of her, and its true!!

He followed her and held her wrist pinned her towards the nearby wall, he tried to lock his izy cold orbs with her choclate gaze, but its seem ardoues as she was turn down to meet his gaze, "avneet, look at me" He demanded in his tough and dark, his appearance screamed dangerous, his aura changed into more while rather than his usually, she look him not daring to meet his inner gaze!!

He was wearing a formal business class three piece suit, with a black shade and I-watch, as usal looking effortlessly handsome, just like a devil from heaven!!

( His Outfit )

Her thoughts about her arrogant husband broke, when someone held her chin off course its her beloved one only or who will dared to touch her,he took a deep breath to control himself as he know his girl is so senstive, "Avneet, I had been noticing ...

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Her thoughts about her arrogant husband broke, when someone held her chin off course its her beloved one only or who will dared to touch her,he took a deep breath to control himself as he know his girl is so senstive, "Avneet, I had been noticing your this arrogant behavior" He asked calmly, "ohh finally my husband noticed, Good" Her words screamed sarcasm and she tried to push him but he was double strong, he held her waist by his both hands, she felt Shivered as since she was wearing a saree, her waist will be bare!!

Then he pinched her waist, she moaned but both were not in the situation to notice,He made her sat on the kitchen slab, him between her legs, then he forcefully made her look into his eyes, soon he locked his fierce orbs with her innocent dove, his scarlet eye become soft because he saw fresh tears flowing from her eyes!!

"Pari, what happened, tell me, tell your this arrogant husband, please" He said softly to her while cupping his cheek and wiping her tears, he was worried for her, he felt like to slap himself if he is the reason for tears, she burst out into crying hard, she throw herself on him and he hugged her back while patting her back, then after sometimes she calmed, then broked the hug  and starting removing his coat while saying, "you know siddharth, what every girl wished from her partner" She paused while removing his first two shirt buttons, "always there for her, always be in her side, always support her, and most importantly trust, if there is no trust between them, how can a relationship work?" She questioned him!!

He somewhat got that, its for him but the problem is, he is not getting when he hurted her, when he didn't trust her, when he didn't supported her, poor him can't remember anything, note the saracasm!!

"Hm-mph" He hesistated, "I mean I'm not understand when I did not trusted you" He asked while she looked him and signed, "maybe you must have forgot, but I can never ever forget that, you didn't supported at last you doesn't even tried to understand the whole situation, you supported aleena instead of your wife" She said while locking her gaze with his, he frozen as now he understand!!

"Avn-cutted by her" Hear me completely, you know siddharth, aleena is not what you see, she is something and she is obsessed with you,I heard if she wants something she will get that by hook or crook"she said with a anxious and worried in her, off course she is scared what if aleena take him from her, Gosh. She can't even thinking about that!!

She cupped his cheek lovingly, "siddharth, I'm scared what if she take you away from me,I know you must be thinking how insecure bitch wife, I'm, believe me siddharth, I don't have any problem if girl come and tell me, she loves you because I trust you, I know you wouldn't hurt me but this aleena, the name it self gave me dark vibes "she confessed him honestly, what have been stressing her mind from past month, he listen everything calmly and he closed his eyes and give her a peck on her lips, he took her in his and he sit on the bare floor with her in his lap!

"First of all you are not a bitch, and I'm really And honestly sorry about that day because I'm hurt, when you said its not my business, because trust me everything and I repeat every single about you is my business, about Aleena you don't need to insecure about that, because she doesn't got my attention on the first sight, but you got "he said calmly and softly trying to make her understand!!

" That to before marrige "he added while she looked him an light speed

That's for today chappyA beautiful flashbacks, which you are gonna love is, coming soon

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That's for today chappy
A beautiful flashbacks, which you are gonna love is, coming soon...!!
Avneet become bold, didn't she?
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