74. happy news!!

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After aleena gone her friends I mean liza and ritha also run's from there to probably to aleena's home as or else she will not leave them, about avneet she was so blessed with emotions as even though she never expected that to be happen like siddharth didn't even help her to stand up, this is what she want but she promised in her mind that she was never gonna one of that possesive bitch!!

"What was that" Nushki asked with a teasing beam playing on her face while avneet looked her with a "what" Expression, "Don't play innocent baby because it doesn't suit you anymore, I saw siddharth winking you" She said while smacking her head but not hard and avneet pouted, like this they started pulling each other's leg and abruptly they stopped as they saw jannath coming but today she was looking completely different as she was wearing a white full length gown like abaya and a burkha (full length scarf), she was looking so gorgeous and just like real huri from heaven!!

Her Outfit

She was coming towards them with a sparkling smile on her face and today her face is glowing with different happiness, "jannath you look so beautiful today" Said avneet while admiring her while jannath blushed looking down, "bitch, you are blushin...

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She was coming towards them with a sparkling smile on her face and today her face is glowing with different happiness, "jannath you look so beautiful today" Said avneet while admiring her while jannath blushed looking down, "bitch, you are blushing, something is cooking!" Exclaimed nushkii with a suspicious expression on her face. "Don't curse" Scolded jannath while avneet and anushka eyes widen like football as jannath is master in cursing then bow what happened to her, "Bitc-opps jannath, last time i checked ,you are the who sent me " Fucking assholic bitch, why aren't you picking my calls "nushki said while promptly from back she got a smack from non other than faisu, " Don't girl, my baby wouldn't like it"said faisu while encircling his around his wife who looks down enable to meet her friends eyes, "oh my god faisu, at least stop being flirt in front of us" While faisu protested, "huh, who called her baby, I called my baby only" Anushka and anushka both looks each other with muddled look but when they clicked their eyes widen like potato and they choked hard,they snapped their eyes towards jannath "Really" Jannath blushed looking down conforming their doubts, "OMG, FUCK. WOW, WE ARE GONNA BE MASI" they screamed gaining everyone attention while others gave them a look "shut the fuck up", " Bitch, how can we shut when our bestie is pregnant "snapped nushki to them who is giving a weird look to them while neet went towards jannath hugged her and give a peck in her cheek!!

" By the way avneet, when you are going to give us your happiness "teased faisu while jannath hitted his arm, " Faisu don't tease her "avneet looking down as her face is not less than tomato, " Well maybe if its like that, that's also going to happen soon "said nushkii from back while now avneet and tomato is in red colour challenge!!

" What happened "jannath asked confused with her answer while nushkii said everything to them and faisu and jannath is laughing their ass off just like this their college time gone, avneet is waiting for siddharth in parking section as he had put himself in an special class because their this year final exam is coming so he needs to end the potion, "So Mr professor nigam dicided to show up now" Taunted avneet while siddharth give a sneer smile to her just to make her more irk!!

Then avneet remembered about the morning incident and she went or more like run's towards siddharth who was going to settle himself on the bullet and hugged him tightly while throwing herself on him not even caring about the fact that they are in college while those students and teachers who passed in the parking section give a preternatural look but off course we all know that, his one glare his enough make them mind their own business!!

"Now what's up with this hug" Asked while taking her in his arm and settling her on the vehicle, "you know even though I told you stay away from her but today I never expected you to to much rude for her" Exclaimed neet not being able to hide the contentment on her face while siddharth cupped her cheek and said lovingly "baby what hell in this earth make you think that i will be nice to those girl, who my girl hate" Asked siddharth "but you are professor so this should b-cutted by him. " Fuck that "muttering this he slammed his lips on her not even caring they are in public place while her eyes widen and she tried to push him but he is so strong, he pinched her unclothed waist earning a groan from her, while entered in to her mouth and tasted her every corner after a good five minutes, he broke the kiss earning smack from her who is now gasping for oxygen!!

"Siddharth you moron, at least you are the teacher so behave yourself"she scolded him while he chuckled again stealing a peck from her!!

I'm sorry but I'm not sure I can update tomorrow as I have a surgery tomorrowHope you loved this side of siddharth well he is shameless too

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I'm sorry but I'm not sure I can update tomorrow as I have a surgery tomorrow
Hope you loved this side of siddharth well he is shameless too.. !!
Bye.. 🌝🖤

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