73. Back fired!!

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So today is monday and monday mean working day so working day mean that damn bitches they have college today, they are already in college today,hehe I'm not in the mood to write the romantic jolly!!

So yeah back to story, basically avneet and anushka was sitting on their usal spot waiting for jannat, its been half and hour they had been waiting as usually jannat is the one who wait for them and she didn't told them she will be absent today and Moreover faisu is also had not reached, so they are waiting for her!!

Their Outfit

Their Outfit

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"Where is this bitch, I swear if I saw her I'm gonna fucking screw her alive" Said nuskhi getting bored by waiting as she had been scrolling her phone and talking with neet but she and avneet both are getting tired and moreover she had to tell the...

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"Where is this bitch, I swear if I saw her I'm gonna fucking screw her alive" Said nuskhi getting bored by waiting as she had been scrolling her phone and talking with neet but she and avneet both are getting tired and moreover she had to tell them an important thing, they were casually talking suddenly they heard hooting they rolled their as they know its that so called "Queen bee", "OMG, I'm fucking sure, aleena is gonna burn the college by her looks" They heard someone saying or I should say praising aleena well they just rolled their eyes, "but aleena in desy Damn, I guess she is trying to impress siddharth sir and maybe siddharth sir is gonna be dead today" Avneet slammed her hands getting extremely frustrated by their not so talks, "come lets go, what this elephant had created new like seriously everyone is talking about her" Avneet said while dragging nushki with her as she and anushka both are curious to know what queer this girl had created!!!

Both gasped seeing that as aleena was looking so beautiful like so even a married man will also take secret glance if they saw her as she was wearing a red saree with beautiful blouse along with matching ornaments!!

Her Saree

(Not gonna lie but she looks so beautiful, gorgeous, angel

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(Not gonna lie but she looks so beautiful, gorgeous, angel... 🖤)

"Damn even though I hate her but never gonna lie, she looks gorgeous" Said avneet while admiring her for a minute but when aleena smirked her, she scoffed "but nushki elephant is elephant as always"anushka laughed at her comment, " Well look where she is going "said anushka pointing towards aleena who was going somewhere, avneet saw siddharth is coming in that direction, aleena deliberately moved her Saree pallu to show more her already showed cleavage. Siddharth who is engrossed in his phone didn't even noticed and aleena scoffed but a evil smirk plastered on her face as an idea struck in her mind,well nothing just trying to plunge in front of him but she don't know today this plan is gonna back fire her!!

"I guess she is gonna try her as usal fake falling in front of him" Nushki said while watching her as she understand by her movement that she is trying to make herself fall, avneet snapped towards them and watched , she mentally planned her mind if he tried to save her then she will surely going back to NY and even thought he maybe do because of humanity but still she had already told him everything whatever her in her mind, if he understand her he will never touch that aleena, she watched with iron heart while anushka looked her as she was muddled because she understand that her best friend is in serious thought!!

Siddharth's outfit!!

Siddharth saw aleena coming towards him, his stuck on her for just minute second not because she looks attractive in his eyes just she was looking different today but then he remembered his wife's words and he know that his wife not a one who is h...

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Siddharth saw aleena coming towards him, his stuck on her for just minute second not because she looks attractive in his eyes just she was looking different today but then he remembered his wife's words and he know that his wife not a one who is hella clingy and possesive towards their partner but his wife unsecured about aleena and he had mentally promised his mind that he was never gonna touch aleena ever in his wife!!

Aleena started her drama trying to fall down thought siddharth is gonna help her but here siddharth shocked everyone except his own wife and himself as because she knows her husband and had a trust on him, roshni tripped because of her Saree and fall the butt down her, everyone was shocked maybe Underestimate because they were fucking dumbstruck on their spot even teachers and nerds to because never in their they expected this queen bee to fall!!

"OMG, FUCK, DID ALEENA JUST DROPPED HER BUTT ON THE FLOOR" screamed nushki gaining everyone attention and everyone come back from their shock and aleena's friend and her fans run's to help her while siddharth just went to her, "next time please wear a sandal instead of those pencil heels moreover this is collage not your uncle's second to wear these kinda party wear's" He went from the there not before giving a wink to his beloved, aleena was numb. Shocked. Insulted. Angry her emotions is uncontrollable and uncountable as millions of emotions waved through her mind, she was not listening nor giving her hand to those who is helping her!!

While aleena furiously stood up from the floor and throw the saree not even caring about others, she marched towards her car and open and closed it with a thud and went from there with a high speed, who know how much people she is gonna kill herself by her driving!!

While aleena furiously stood up from the floor and throw the saree not even caring about others, she marched towards her car and open and closed it with a thud and went from there with a high speed, who know how much people she is gonna kill herse...

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I'm in love with this chappy, love you siddharth for this!!
Tell me your opinion about this ok,
Bye.. ✔️💕

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