34. deal!

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Sid:wth!!I'm talking about us
He said suddenly making her confuse

Sid:like look we are twinning
He said all of sudden coming close to her

Sid:in black (hussikily)
He said pulling her close to him making her beautiful face collide with his chest!!

Avu:sir what

Cutted by siddharth

He susshed her while in healing the body wash which she used just before coming .but smelling  his breath she understood he is fucking drunk he is not in his sence!!

Then he stared at her neck!!like he is founding something but he can't

Sid:fuck!!that hickey gone should i make new one
He said in his sexy tone all of sudden making avneet eye widen and cheek burn!!

Sid:let's go to the dance floor
Saying this he dragged her with himto the dance floor then they started dancing it's just a normal not any romantic!!

(A/u:Do you really think i will give you romance soon *smrik*)

But one person is seeing all this with a furious and jealous eye!!yaa its our roshni but she didn't saw anything full but still she saw them sitting together

Liza:wth siddharth sir is married  (shocked)

Ritha:yes i guess siddharth have a crush on avneet

Rosh:No this little bicth is on my wayy!!I'm gonna spare her (angrily)

Liza:but roshni siddharth is already married not what should do

Rosh:leave it but first i have to make this little bicth out of my way
She said while planning something and smriking evily

(A/u: *evil smrik*)

Rosh:hey call Alex

Liza:which alex (confused)

Rosh:of course that my sweet Brother

Ritha:wth did you mean that Alex who went jail for raping a 15 year old girl  (horrified expression)

Rosh:yes but he released in a week before

Liza:yes but still

Rosh:call him  (glaring them)

Then they called him after this party roshni went to him

Rosh:hey alex
She said hugged him he hugged her back

Alex:hello my baby sisy

Alex (A/u:sorry if it's urs name)
A criminal. He is a lusty minded person but seeing roshni like his own sister.a jerk and asshole

Alex:ok i understand my baby sisy want a help am i right

Rosh:yes alex i want

Alex:so tell me what you want

Rosh:you don't have to do free i will give you whatever you ask

Alex:ok tell me first what should I do

Rosh:nothing first let me show you a picture

Then she took a picture from her bag

Then she took a picture from her bag

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Rosh:how is this girl

Alex:wahh man such a fresh and sexy piece
He said while licking his lips looking her with full of lust seeing this Roshni is feeling disgusting but she controlled  with a fake smile!!

Rosh:so Tomorrow come to my collage then  i will make a chance to you and you can do whatever you want with her but don't kill her!!

Alex:okk wahh i can't wait to get her in my under (lusty eyes)

Rosh:ok ok you can enjoy how much you want but if any chance  you will get caught don't you dare to say my name okk!!

Alex:ok don't worry sis i will not tell your name but only get caught but i will not no one can catch this alex!!
He said while smriking then he went from there

Rosh pov
You little bicth you dared come to my sid now face the consequences!!you don't know whom u messed I'm not a witch I'm a evil witch after this avneet you will yourself end your life!!and i can live my life with my hot proffecer peacefully wait what about his wife ooh don't care he didn't even care his wife its not metter!!
Pov ends

Rosh povYou little bicth you dared come to my sid now face the consequences!!you don't know whom u messed I'm not a witch I'm a evil witch after this avneet you will yourself end your life!!and i can live my life with my hot proffecer peacefully w...

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Thats for today chappy
Double update happy!!
I know you guys are ready to kill me!!!
Haha finally the spice
Spoiler alert!!!*Evil smrik*
Now who will help avneet or she will get trapped???
How is drunk siddharth??
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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