67. mine!!

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They were so busy in their to be love make session, he paused when he heard the bell rang, key word- paused, realisation hitted her, she is actually practically make outing with her husband, that to in an empty class room, anyone can came any time, also this is their first time, they are doing an proper make out, that to a heavy one, blood rushed through her cheek, when she got aware of her condition!!

He was still grinding on her, while with the closed eyes, her throat got dry by this sight,moreover she is also controlling her moans,she arised all the thoughts from her mind, determined to call him, "Sidd..ahh.harth" She called his name or be more frank, moaned his name, his eyes shot open, his pupils were dark with utmost lust,"call me again doll"he said while increasing his pace on her, grinding more on her exact spot, "s..ahh..idd.. Ahh...arth" She tried to control her moans, her eyes pleaded to him, but she also don't know for what?, she some what gained some strength, jerked his shoulder, "hmm" He hummed in his deep voice, which sent shivers through her between thig-stop thinking that, she reminded her mind, she tried to push him, finally he stopped doing, "what? "He snapped at her, she got frightened at the sudden change, off course who wouldn't get irked, when someone tried to disturbe us, when we are actually doing which we love?

" Siddharth, stop we are not in our home, its college, empty class and chance of getting Caught is highly possible! "She said while rubbing his arms to control his anger, off course now she can proudly say that, she know her husband more than anyone, She knew about his short tempered behavior also know, how to calm him, they are actually now in a vale of relationship!!

Siddharth also realised that, how desperately,Is he behaving like a college students, when he is a prefessor, fuck it, he cursed in his mind, his orbs fell on her, her make up is now completely smudge, need to put it again, he thought in his mind, then her neck to breast valley, full of love bites, this us gonna be really tough for her, he thought, her eyes were lubricating tears cause of the amount of pleasure which he is giving, her lips were virtually rippen by him,the sight is just so mouth watering and breathe taking, she is now a absolute mess, a hot mess!!

"Fuck, avneet you are just alluring, I can't get enough of you ever" He said in his throaty voice, which send shivers on her entire body, he, slammed his lips on her sharply pecking, then he stood up, he adjusted his shirt and hair, she became flushed when she saw his huge bulge, that was clearly visible on his pant line, her cheek crimson, exact she became a scarlet, "fuck this damn" He cursed while looking down, he fell on her who is crimson red while looking his junior, she licked her lips which got dry, "Not fucking now damn siddharth Nigam" He warned himself in his mind Frustratedly, he took his iphone from his pocket, dialled someone "I need you to take my bag from my cabin, and make sure that, buy a cold water from store moreover don't forget, it should be in boys washroom" He said in his firm voice, he didn't wait for the other person to say anything, he hanged the call!!

Then he went to the exit, but before he were about to go, he again marched towards her, she got muddled, then he stand in front of her, "stand" He instructed, she did what he said, like amenable girl, "A flawless doll figure" He thought in his mind, "not fucking now" He warned, then he grabbed her pallu, which got spoiled because of her movements, then he started arranging her saree layers perfectly like a ace, she can't help but adore him, she always desire to have a husband, who know how to make wear a saree, here she got what she wanted!!

After arranging her pallu's, he turned her back and he alluring orbs got stuck on her milky white back, which is screaming him to devour, he arised his all vulgar thoughts from his mind, then he hooked her blouse, as soon as possible without looking her as he know if he those perverted eyes fell on her, than he will lose all the control, then he went close to her ears, his breathe we're making her crazy, "if anyone saw, I repeat anyone boy or girl , then I fucking take their sight, this is only mine, and what's mine is mine And I'm not a sharing person doll,mark this in your pretty head" He said in hushed tone which enough to hear her, then like a breeze he disappeared leaving her in an pretty good condition

After arranging her pallu's, he turned her back and he alluring orbs got stuck on her milky white back, which is screaming him to devour, he arised his all vulgar thoughts from his mind, then he hooked her blouse, as soon as possible without looki...

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God damn, siddharth is so dominant in his spicy mood, perfect daddy figure, haina guys?
Both are here, now something is coming soon for your this dirty mind!!

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