not a chappy!

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You will marry one of my guards" He announced expecting a dead ful reaction from her but she didn't budge. He frowned in his mind but maintained the same menacing face, "didn't you heard me, you will marry one of my guards" He repeated again those words. Thinking she might be zone out but to his surprise. "Ok"came her reply.

She Walked towards him stand there maintaining distance. "You know what, I'm ready to be a wife of any of your guards or even I'm ready to be a sex slave of mafia. I will happily satisfy them or" She pointed towards the street dog which is laying on there. "I'm even more happily will lay down naked for that dog. Let dog do what it want, Do you wanna know the reason!" She asked him. Not gonna lie but her words had made him shocked would be an Understatement. He is dumbstruck by her words not only him. The whole person in the den!

"Because as I far. I don't have to see you its matter to me, your every touch disgust me.when ever you come close to me, I felt like to go under the world and never come back, your every words and action, every thing. Siddharth fuking nigam, the name itself disgust me! So its better to be one of those wife or slut instead of staying with you" She screamed on his face. The every vein in his muscles popped up as the every fucking blood cells boiled. Her words. Her words. Her fucking words!

A loud sound of slap engrossed is in the whole hall followed by her soundly gasp. She put her hand on the region where he slapped, her whole body heated on his one slap. Hundred of butterflies flew on her mind. He roughly hold her hair in his fish pulled her more close. "What did you said. Bitch my touch disgust you. So what about this" He other hand traced on her face to her jaw. "Or this" He smirked looking her face getting pale as his finger reach on her cleavage. "Fucking look anywhere but here" He ordered his guards who's all eyes were stuck on them, soon they heard they all look into random direction but there.

His hand groped her clothed boobs as she gasped in pure terror. She became petrified on her spot."so you told me, my sound disgust you, huh"his hot breathe fan on her face as he was so close, they breathe from same air. He sucked her earlobes while his hand squeezed her boobs. His hand on her hair travelled down to her sex and  pressed there. She became petrified on her spot. She wanna badly smack him doing this to her and scream on his face but her sound is coming ans before she could faint he moved away from her and throw her dupatta on her chest as small amount of cleavage were visible due to her struggle!!

Soon he moved away from her, she let out a breathe in relif. "Eye on here!" He ordered his guards. "As you said, I disgust, so be ready Avneet kaur. Ohh I'm sorry soon to be Avneet siddharth Nigam. Now you will warm my bed every night and" He took a step close to her and whispered in her ear. "All the guards present here, Will here your moans" He Shamelessly uttered as she closed her in disbelief and disgust.

He Walked away with his guards.she look at the returning figure of his as she closed her eyes letting the tears flow, slowly she collapse on the bare floor breaking down, she screamed hard. Violently but alas. No one heard her and its gonna be like this and it just a starting for her!!

 No one heard her and its gonna be like this and it just a starting for her!!

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Here is the prologue of my new book!
Please check this!
Journey of hate!

I wanna tell you, ik you all are waiting for next chappy
Its mature chappy and we have only two chappy now!
I forgot to mention about that!!
Please tagg your friends ok!!

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