29. fest!!

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So after one week now this week went normal all are busy in preparation for fest!they are seniors so every single things in charge is for them!
And about siddharth after that incident i mean that bump he didn't observed avneet as because both are so busy in their works siddharth is a proffecer so he have a lot of works
And roshni is planning something evil to avneet *Author evil smrik*
Collage is so crowds not only students outsiders also there!!today its morning today they all came early .jannat is waiting for them

(I didn't get any bossy outfit for rits so this is her outfit imagine )
Now they all are looking absolutely hot in their outfit of course after all they are wearing bossy!!
Avu:wow we all are looking cool today
Anu:not to forget hot as hell (smrik)
Rits:yupp we are
(Self obsessed creatures like auther)
Then they all are talking then a girl came
Girl:hey u guys are talking here am checking you!!
Avu:what di
A random girl .senior of sweet pink. A sweet girl (a temporary character)
Tanya:what do you meant by what of course there is lots of works you guys have
Then they all so some girls is running there to college entrance
Avu:why they all are running huh??(confused)
Then they stopped a girl who is running
Jaan:hey why everyone is running
Girl:don't you know today siddharth is looking so hot just look him once
Then that girl went from there
Tanya:oh then wait i also wanna see mr nigam
Saying this she went from there
Rits:i also wanna see what's special
Sweet pink:me too!!
Then they all went to there almost every girls is there .siddharth he is wearing a black t shirt and over a black blazer looking devilishly handsome!!

Then Tanya said making avneet jealous
Tanya:uff i wish he is my husband!!
Hearing this avneet just rolled her eyes in an jealous way rits noticed this!!
Tanya:ok i forget to tell you so you guys have
Cutted by another handsome

Fai:hey girls
Tanya:Good morning sir!!
Fai:cut the crap lady just try to friendly with teachers
Tanya smiled then jaan Said
Jaan:so di please tell us what next
Tanya:ok so guys your in charge is in dance block that name is rocking star!!its 10th stage i mean our auditorium!!
Rits: only we or any other students
Tanya:i will tell everyone name first jannat,avneet,rits,anushka,ritha,roshni,liza,priya,diya etc... (then she said everyone nanes who is involved in this charge)
Anu:okk so any teachers in this??
Tanya:yup for your luck mr nigam is sir with u guys and faizu sir,shanaya mam this three is with you ok
Faizu:so let's go to the that block first let's call mr nigam
Then they all went to siddharth. Who is busy in his phone not paying attention to the girls who are literally trying to seduce with him with their looks
Before they could start a conversation someone interputted in its roshni

Rosh:hey sir  (flirting)
Not looking her and just paying attention to his phone
Rosh:sir what are you doing
Sid:oh i guess your eyes is just to do make up
Rosh:what sir?? (Confused)
Sid:can't u see what am doing (rudely)
Roshni became pling!!she became embarrassed front of all of them all are silently giggling
Hearing this melodic and familiar voice sid look and saw avneet in fir a second he got lost in her she is looking so drop dead beautiful today .but roshni feel hella jealous on this. Faizu and sweet pink passed a confused look to each other.

Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
I know this is boring but something intresting is coming
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