25. love bite!!

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Soon they entered sudden smell of alcohol,vodka and wine like those strong,small drinks etc smell came in their nose.they all can see some people is dancing on the dance floor . some people is drinking there bar section.a sounds of music and dj everything is coming in their hear . some couple is lost in their own world some is romancing making others jealous and adore them and some people like sitting with their gang playing games and some people is chit chating. And Some people is make outing on the verge of having sex.
Then faizu said
Fai:let's go to the bar section.
Then they went to bar section. Then after some time now avneet is there alone as because anushka went to dance with a guy. And rits she got a call from ishaan so she excused her self from there and went to somewhere and about fainat they are went to their own private space . hope you understand my hinnocent readers!!
So she is sitting there bored then suddenly a guy came
He came and sit opposite to avneet
Guy:why are you sitting here alone
Avu:just like that
She said while sipping her soft drinks but unfortunately its alcohol .she felt bitter on but she ignored.but he noticed that
So he thought to take this chance.
Guy:so what's your name?
Guy:beautiful just like you
Avneet blushed at his cheezy
statement.then a romantic song started taking this chance
Guy:well I'm ritham.so could you like to dance with me
Then they went to dance floor and started dancing .ritham's hand is on her waist and her hand is on his neck they right hands is interlocked with each other.they are looking each other's eyes. But the thing a guy wearing green colour full handed t shirt and yellow colour pant.

Looking them his eye is showing something like jealous but its more is possessive he is looking them with possessive his eye darkened!!then suddenly avneet got pushed and pinned to the wall nearby

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Looking them his eye is showing something like jealous but its more is possessive he is looking them with possessive his eye darkened!!then suddenly avneet got pushed and pinned to the wall nearby.
Avneet got a sudden shock she closed her eyes and again opened she got a huge shock she saw his eye darken he is looking her with a pure angry face and lust!!and some other emotions
Avu:siddharth (shocked)
Sid:what are doing here(cold voice)
Avu:i cut by siddharth
Sid:what are doing with that moron huh??
Avneet become silent not but she is hella scared of his this face.
Sid:answer me
Said him while coming close to her and held her waist tightly. She got a huge shock current flow in her body
Sid:ohh wait i guess u r enjoying with him huh??am i right
Said siddharth while making his voice tone dangerous in his every words
Sid:am i right  (shouted)
She didn't realised what she just said. She suddenly got scared in his tone and she just said fast!!
Hearing this siddharth got angry his eye again darkened!! He goes to close to her means very close she can feel his hot breath on her neck!! She shivered at his touch . suddenly she feel something wet on her neck she realised he is fucking sucking her i mean giving her wet kisses.she closed her eyes feeling his tounge on her.
Then he started bitting her neck but its not harsh its just soft touch it is making her weak.she slowly moaned
Hearing this siddharth smriked in her neck . she is feeling an intense plusure on her body after some time siddharth stopped when he saw a purplish redish husky on her neck side!!  Or i should say a LOVE BITE then  siddharth went away avneet she breathed in relif. And she opened her eye but got again shock
Sid came to her again
Sid:should i mentioned that today you are looking so hot!! (Sexy voice)
She shivered then he went away from there. She is standing there with a shock.
Then suddenly someone jerked her sge look and found
Anu:you are here I'm searching you there full come let's go
Saying this then they went from there.

Then suddenly someone jerked her sge look and found Anu:you are here I'm searching you there full come let's goSaying this then they went from there

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
Oh god after so long i take my hinnocent side
Uff now what will be their reaction.
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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