20. home!!

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So finally after a 12 hours of journey they reached punjab!!
Soon avneet step out from the train.she screamed
Avu:yaay finally on my city!!!!
Screamed avneet. Everyone look at her like she is Alian or something then sid he just rolled his eyes while muttering "clumsy"
Then they took a cab and went to avneet house its like a manison a traditional style!!

 Everyone look at her like she is Alian or something then sid he just rolled his eyes while muttering "clumsy" Then they took a cab and went to avneet house its like a manison a traditional style!!

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Like this she is from orthodox family so their culture a farm like that
Then soon they reached they saw Sonia aunty is waiting from them in entrance. Avneet saw her mother she run to her leaving her all things on there only as because she is seeing her mother after years gap!!
She is crying in her mother's shoulder her mother to . siddharth is adoring their bond nah do you really think!!he is standing there with a expressionless face...!!
Sm:so don't you miss me!!
Came a strong voice from behind
Avneet look and found


Ok byee

Go there is nothing bye!!

Ok just kidding hehe
She found jai standing there

Avu:bhai(shouted)Then she runned to him and hugged him tightly like het life depend on him!!just too hugged Sm:so i guess you didn't missed me??ok (fake sad)Avu:bhabhi

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Then she runned to him and hugged him tightly like het life depend on him!!just too hugged
Sm:so i guess you didn't missed me??ok (fake sad)

Avu:bhai(shouted)Then she runned to him and hugged him tightly like het life depend on him!!just too hugged Sm:so i guess you didn't missed me??ok (fake sad)Avu:bhabhi

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It is reem

Now meet jaireem urf JAIJEET SINGH AND REEM JAIJEET SINGH Jai is avneet elder brother and Reem is avneet's bhabhi!!they have a daughter named sreya kaur nandra she is only 3 years

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Jai is avneet elder brother and Reem is avneet's bhabhi!!they have a daughter named sreya kaur nandra she is only 3 years . they are living in America as because of vacation they came about character they are sweet and kind hearted reem is like avneet soul sister!!!

Then Sonia aunty called siddharth who is standing in entrance!!
(I will use Sonia aunty as sa)
Sa:siddharth why u r standing there come here beta (sweetly)
Sid:yes aunty
Sa glared him
Sa:call me mom as because you are like my jai
Everyone smiled
Sid:ok mom
Then they all entered inside then avneet spoke
Avu:mom im so hungry gimme something (winced like a small baby)
Sa:this girl first go and fresh up then came and show siddharth room
Avu:ok mom (grumpy face)
Avu:haaye where is my chipku
Suddenly from back
Sm:apyyy (shouted)
Avneet look and found a 3 year girl is standing there with a cute grumpy pout
Its is sreya aka jaireem daughter avneet like to irritate her calling chipku!!she call avneet apyy (idk what meaning i felt cute that's it)
Avu:haaye apy'ss muchkin
Sreya:i will not talk to you
Sreya:cecause u call me chipkuu (because u call me chipku)
Everyone laughed including siddharth to
Avu:aye baba its because not cecause (mimicking her cecause)
Sa:avneet atleast show siddharth room
Sid:its ok mom.baby please come
Avneet is in 10th shock!!what he just called "baby" .jaireem is looking avneet with a smrik and sa is also have a teasing smile .avneet her face is like tomato
Then they went to avneet room soon they entered avneet locked the door
Avu:sir what the hell are you do!!
Sid:what i do??(confused)
Avu:why u called me baby that to in front of my mother and brother
Sid:you told me to act like clingy so i did
Avu:what its not front of them its front of my friends
Sid:whatever (rolled his eyes)

avneet her face is like tomato Then they went to avneet room soon they entered avneet locked the door Avu:sir what the hell are you do!!Sid:what i do??(confused)Avu:why u called me baby that to in front of my mother and brother Sid:you told me to ...

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Avu:how is my room
Sid:not bad
Avu:what not bad its amazing
Sid:yeah yeah whatever!!

Thats for today chappy Guess what happened next Ok i put "NEVER AGAIN" on hold as because I'm out of ideas And I'm going to change the plot means like this i writer or if u want like that only tell me!!Romance is coming or not???If you like my cha...

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
Ok i put "NEVER AGAIN" on hold as because I'm out of ideas
And I'm going to change the plot means like this i writer or if u want like that only tell me!!
Romance is coming or not???
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment
Bye 💝👅

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