33. married??

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Rosh:students or teachers but dare is dare madam
She said in a sugar coated voice while glaring the teacher

Teacher she gulped her saliva while cursing herself for asking that because she know how dangerous roshni is after all she is collage Trusty  the one and only daughter!!!

Sid:ok i will kiss
Saying this he stand up from his seat and started walking towards roshni.she is shocked like hell standing up from her seat then he came towards her and slided his hand on waist.

Ladies and gentlemen there is the moment. He slammed his lip on her all are shocked at the sudden action

Liza:Roshni rosh
She said while jerking roshni from her melodies not to forget not going happen dream

(A/u: guys don't kill me hehe its just her dream)

Rosh:what happened huh?
She said irritated and cursing liza in her mind as because she broke her beautiful day dream once again not to forget not going to happen in this life!!

Liza:i was calling you from last 5 minutes you were just zone out anyways siddharth sir is going on truth

(A/u:hehe do you really think i will make their first kiss haha not soon)

Then a random staff or students idk asked
Random:are you married??

Then a another student or staff again idk said
R:its just simple question ask some suspic_

Cutted by siddharth

Sid:yes I'm
He said casually not making any big deal but for others it's a big deal hearing this everyone snapped towards him along with avneet too!!

Because about avneet She didn't expected him to be expose like this their truth!! And about those girls and staff  lady members is heart broken

Because ever since they saw him They are having a high crush over him but their all things vanished when they heard "yes I'm" from siddarth's mouth

Then everyone almost ragged questions to his

Sm:and who???

They all started their questions making him stuck on everything but suddenly faizu said

Fai:of course on his marriage venue with his own wife huh or what do you think he will do with his brother
He said in a saracastic way making or trying to make this awkward moment a funny but mischievously failed because no one is in the mood of his unrated joke!!
(A/u:poor faizu)

Sid:ok enough one question in one time so also I'm quitting this game
He said and went from there making everyone confused zone!!

After some time
Now everyone is enjoying like club because almost oldy teachers is gone so now here only some party teachers and students so drinks is also there

Avneet is sitting there alone her almost every friends is enjoying the party

Then a guy approach towards her
Guy:hey wanna have a dance

Actually she wanna go to dance as because she is sitting there bored so thought why not but before she could day anything came a strong and cocky tone from back

Sid:ram (random boy)

Guy:yes sir

Sid:hmm menon (random teacher) is calling you

Guy:ok sir avneet i will be back
He said and went from there making them alone

Sid:hey avneet
He said while taking a sit biside her avneet is feeling something suspicious on his behaviour!!


They are just sitting in a silence not making any awkward moment looking a beautiful couples dancing of course it's our fainat!!

Sid:couple goals
He said looking her

Avu:yupp they are
She said adoring them in an beautiful smile on her face!!

Sid:wth!!I'm talking about us
He said suddenly making her confuse

Sid:like look we are twinning
He said all of sudden coming close to her

Sid:in black (hussikily)
He said pulling her close to him making her beautiful face collide with his chest!!

Thats for today chappy Guess what happened nextDo you really think i will make their first kiss soon haha nahhh not soon!!!Spice!!!uff i can't wait *Evil smrik*Here sidneet scene!!coming soon If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment Bye💝👅

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
Do you really think i will make their first kiss soon haha nahhh not soon!!!
Spice!!!uff i can't wait *Evil smrik*
Here sidneet scene!!coming soon
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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