42. flushed siddo!!!

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He picked its a video call!!

Abhi:hello sid

Sid:yes dada,how are you

Abhi:i'm always fit and fine,wau?

Sid:i'm also Great!!

Abhi:i heard that from now avneet is staying with you,is it right?

Sid:yes dada,she is here

Abhi:what's doing she,did she is okay?
Now or sad?
He asked in a concerned voice

Sid:yup dada,she is perfectly fine

Then vaishu came and sit besides abhi,but she didn't talk to him as they are not close

Sid:hey is it bhabhi,hello how are you

Abhinavi can't believe their ears as siddharth is usually only talk to more is va after abhi, but to

Abhishek and siddarth is only talk for any urgent matters!!!

Vaishu is so happy, everytime she wish this now it's happening

Vaish:hey siddharth,I'm fine what about you?

Sid:i'm also fine bhabhi!!

Then arav came running to see avneet!!

Arav:where is my chachi i wanna see her!!
He said while sitting on abhi's lap

Sid:ok wait i will show you

Then he went to her room and show her!! Everyone is like awww!!

Abhinavi:aww my kiddo!!

Abhinavi:why are you copying me


Abhinavi:btw she is my kiddo!!

Abhi:again,no she is mine

Vaish:no she is mine

Arav and siddarth is looking them,they are literally arguing like a small babies who is fighting for their teddy saying it's each other's!!

Arav:stop it you both of you!!

Then abhinavi stopped fighting then abhi asked!!

Abhi:why she is sleeping in an uncomfortable position siddharth?

Sid:yeah, it's we are arranging her clothes

Abhi:oww poor my sisy,she became tired doing all that work!!

Sid:doing work,what works like pretending seriously
He asked in a saracastic way!!

Abhi:no my sister is so hard work

Vaish:yeah yeah your sister and hardwork,ik her she is such a lazy ass!!

Sid:true bhabhi,now I'm wondering are you reallymy brother or her brother?

Then abhishek is about to answer but arav said something

Arav:my kiddo chachi,i miss kissing her!!

Hearing this siddharth eye widen and abhinavi snapped towards

Abhi:what do you meant by kissing?
He asked in a shocked voice

Arav:yup kissing her cheeks yk i always kiss her cheek
He said in his kiddish innocent voice

Siddharth breathed now in relif and abhinavi to

Arav:but yk i always wish to kiss her but she is my chachi huh it's ok i will lena
He said in a flow then he realised what he said!!

Siddharth and abhinavi is glaring him then he just smiled innocently looking down!!

Vaish:arav,who is lena
She asked in a serious voice just like a typical mom!!

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