53. cute fights!!

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Avu:hufff like this our marrige happened!!
She stopped saying her Flashback while gulping water!!!

{Ok guys i and my readers us getting bored with this Flashback so thought to stop!!!!}

Anu:omg avneet that was just mm i think i don't have any words
She said while with amazing face

Jann:btw do you wanna know what your husband had done when someone touch his wife
She said with a teasing smile!!!

Then she told everything to her with lot of teasing just to avoid her condition in that time!!!

"Thing" they heard the bell rung!!

Avu:enough guys;let's go
She said while standing and grabbing her things!!!

Now afternoon
Now they all are walking

Avu:uff i hate this unwanted attention
She said while making faces!!

Anu:yeah this is all because of your ginger cat
She teased her!!!

Avneet glared her then she went from there!!!

After 1 week
Now this week went normal nahh bruhh

Now avneet is totally irritated and frustrated by siddharth behaviour as he always told her to study!!

And she is chatterbox but we all know siddharth is a silent cat now whenever avneet talk siddharth ignore her!!!

So basically today is Sunday means no college so siddharth as usual doing something on his lap!!

And our queen is sitting there bored as she want to go out but siddharth is not allowing!!

Fainat had went to a date and anurits went to their Sunday girl out!!
Though they asked her but he didn't give permission!!

Now she is so angry so she is making sounds by throwing things and making plates put on slab harshly

Sid pov Uff god kill me this girl my ear going to broke!!I wonder where did she got this kinda tricks yeah maybe some typical Indian serials!!!

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Sid pov
Uff god kill me this girl my ear going to broke!!
I wonder where did she got this kinda tricks yeah maybe some typical Indian serials!!!

Yeah guys she even started watching serials and yes let me tell you her timing!!

In evening 6.00 pm she watch her cartoon programs huh such a kidd!!

And after her studies she watch all Indian serials yes ik she learned all this tricks from this serials

Why can't she learn some romance from this
Sm:ahm ahm continue bruhh *smrik*

*realised what he said* i mean to say that mmm

Sm:ha you meant to say what

Just i mean hey wait you again come

Sm:nice bruhh topic changing i see

Yes i don't what you want now huh?

Sm:nothing bruhh,but can you just take her some places atleast she is not like you!!

I will think about it ok now you leave
Did isn't it necessary?

Then he heard a thud sound like someone someone closed doors like to broke!!

Pov continue
Omg if i didn't take her somewhere then my poor home will broke I'm sure!!

Pov ends

Thinking all this he went to avneet who is munching chips while glaring her book!!

Thinking all this he went to avneet who is munching chips while glaring her book!!

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"I think the book will catch fire from her as she is in fire"he thought!!

He said!!

Avu:what now look I'm here studying only
She said with a irritated tone!!!

Sid:look get ready we can go somewhere
He said

Hearing this avneet closed the book with a swift and look him!!!

Then she came to him and check his temperature

He asked confused

Avu:nothing I'm checking that do you have any fever like dude seriously the siddharth nigam is asked me to go for a outing!!
She said while making siddharth roll his eyes!!

Sid:look stop your drama you drama queen!!
He said irritated with her this aesants!!

Avu:wth,I'm not drama queen
She protested like a small 5 year kiddo!!

Sid:No you are the drama queen and also a small kiddo
He said while making her more furious!!

He is enjoying this cute small fight with her now as this is their first time!!

Avu:what the hell if I'm drama queen then you are mmm yeahh you are kangaroo

Sid:what me kangaroo then you are a rabbit

Avu:huh?then you are a elephant
She said while coming close to him breaking the safe distance!!

Sid:then you are a monkey who jump everytime
He said while coming close to her

Siddharth didn't even realised that he is also fighting and behaving like a small kiddo!!!

Then avneet suddenly pushed him and run from there not before showing her tounge!!!

Sid:youu i will not leave you
He said and run behind her!!

Thats for today chappy Guess what happened next Niw sidneet moments is more is coming soon!!Uff after so much boring chapter again came with some goofy chappy!!Ik I'm late but sorry guys now i have lot to study also going to hospital for admit!!If...

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
Niw sidneet moments is more is coming soon!!
Uff after so much boring chapter again came with some goofy chappy!!
Ik I'm late but sorry guys now i have lot to study also going to hospital for admit!!
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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