71. little caring

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"God dammit siddharth, you are so possessive and very dangerous to play" She exclaimed with a red cheek as he even shared his thoughts about her which made her scarlet red. "Yes baby I am so possessive about you, you are mine and I'm never gonna leave you nor you leave me, only death can apart us"his deep voice and the intensity on his words made her shivers.

" But Mr nigam, I'm not going to forgive you until you seek for that "she pouted while crossing her arms around her chest looking so adorable, " Gosh avneet, why so cute"he stole a kiss from her making her cheek red"ok ok since my Queen is serious about it, your slave is gonna do anything you say"he said

She felt like to chuckle at his words but somewhere controlled as she need to teach him a lesson suddenly mischievous ideas came in her mind as evil smirk Plastered on her face, "Are you sure, you are gonna do anything" She wanted to make sure him or giving himself a chance "yeah" He said with muddled expression as he is not getting what she meant. She abruptly stand up and went from there then came back with a bowl, since its a bowl he can't see what's inside!!

Then she came and gave the bowl to him as he looks her with a weird expression, she blinked her to indicating him to pick that, he took it from her and saw it was some refined wheat flour (Myda), "now pour yourself"his expression changed into horrified one." What the fuck"he cursed while she gave a wink to him more like teasing him, "ok so Mr nigam, I don't have whole day, just do it fast" He gave her look "I will take my revenge soon" Then poured himself on that flour not before murmuring "Crazy cat" Under his breath!!

After all the craziness of his beloved one he went to take bath, after taking bath as usual that he again started working on his laptop, "siddharth, you hadn't eat anything since you come, so eat something then work" She scolded him just like typical wife especially indian. "Avneet, I will eat later as I have a important work" He said not even looking at her still engrossed in his work, avneet signed as she know that he is not gonna listen so she went to kitchen and again come back with a plate full of Ghee Rice and butter chicken curry as since its siddharth favorite dish, he raised his eyebrows as he had told her he don't want now but she knows that he was tired, she can say that by looking him, she sit besides him and tilted her hand towards his direction, he was taken aback by this as no one has feed him after he hits his teenage, he tried to protest but her one glare enough to shut his mouth. He just like a amenable open his mouth and she fed him!!

After washing dishes and she went to their bedroom and saw he was there with something on his hand,she got muddled but still excited as she saw it was wrapped in a gift hamper which she loves, he saw her and passed a smile towards her which always melt her just like when we melt dark chocolate in double boiling method!!

He patted besides him indicating her to sit and she sit besides him as he gave her the gift hamper telling her to open herself, she excitedly started to open the her gift. Its was hamper of three diary milk silk bubbly as siddharth know that its her favorite chocolate according to Indian taste!!!

"Omg, siddharth I love you for this" She said excitedly as didn't realised what she was speaking well siddharth didn't mind to as because he knows that she is only his even they care for each other, trust each other, respect each other even their ...

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"Omg, siddharth I love you for this" She said excitedly as didn't realised what she was speaking well siddharth didn't mind to as because he knows that she is only his even they care for each other, trust each other, respect each other even their words and moves towards each other screams how much they love each other, so there is no need a love confession!! !

She kissed his both cheeks and started her attempt to open the chocolate but siddharth stopped her as he have something else for her, he takes her to the mirror or I should I say dragged her to there as she was stuck with her first love, obviously chocolate!!

"Ok, close your eyes baby" His soft and baritone voice hits her skin making her stop wiggling in his arms as she was taken aback by his closeness that she can them through mirror, than he took something from his pocket and she saw beautiful big and huge jhumka with peacock model.

"Gosh, siddharth this looks so beautiful" She said while trying to turn back but he held her shoulder telling her don't

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"Gosh, siddharth this looks so beautiful" She said while trying to turn back but he held her shoulder telling her don't. "I will make you wear it" He started making her wear the jhumka while she looks their reflection in the mirror as she felt so blessed to be his wife, after he made her wear the earings and back hugged her keeping his chin on her shoulder while she touched the earings loving the sound it creating, "this look so beautiful" She loved it to much "but not more than you" He said while trailing kisses on her neckline making her close her eyes in those touches!!

 "I will make you wear it" He started making her wear the jhumka while she looks their reflection in the mirror as she felt so blessed to be his wife, after he made her wear the earings and back hugged her keeping his chin on her shoulder while sh...

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Ik this chapter suck as I'm to bored and clinge
But still its Romantic and more romantic coming soon..!!
Those who asked for caring chapter, this is for you..!!

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