31. healthy!!

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Then now avneet is feeling relaxed as because she only want to anchor other work will do siddharth and roshni

After some time now avneet is feeling hella tired and hungry so she thought to go canteen but she want someone for accompany her!!

Avu:hey guys do u want anything as because I'm going canteen

Sid:i don't want

Roshni:me too
Roshni is hungry but she said she is not hungry because if avneet go then she have some alone time with siddarth!!

Avu:ok then let me call someone to accompany me wait hey rajj!!
She said and called she saw a random boy is going but hearing this siddharth suddenly said

Sid:hey no need i will come let's go!!
He said suddenly making Roshni's plan flop

Avu:hmm ok!!

Rosh:them me too
She said suddenly even here Everyone knew that why she said so avneet just rolled eyes!!

Then they thrio went to canteen not canteen as because today is big fest so there is lots of food van there!!

Avu:so i want a cheese fries and zinger Burger!! What do you want guys

Sid:cancel the order

Avu:huh??why i just ordered this for me if sir don't want Then its ok!!
She said in an irritated tone

Sid: yaa i said that for everyone now let's go
She said standing up from his seat along with roshni and avneet to!!

Then he take them to an another healthy food section

Sid:hmm three salad and carrot juice
Hearing this avneet eye widen

Avu:wth!!i don't want this untasty food eww
She said while making faces expressions which sid just ignored

Rosh:sir i will be back in a minute
She said in a nice and sid agreed so roshni nicely escaped because she is really hungry she don't want to eat this foods!!

Sid:look if you eat junk foods now then you can't able to work for so long and you will laziness!!

Avu:ahh ok

Then they ate their food and went back to their work!!

Then now time is going its time to leave so now avneet went to her friends

She saw they all are sitting in canteen

Avu:hey guys
She said while settling herself in an seat

Jaan:hey how is your day mine is so tired!!

Avu:mine to first of all let me order some tasty food

Rits:huh what do u meant by taste food you are saying u ate salad or any diet foods!!

Avu:yupp i ate that only

Rits:what do you meant  (confused)

Then she told everything to them!

Anu:ohh god siddarth sir is dangerous uff my luck am 100% sure Roshni just escaped

Avu:i know that

Then they ate their food and again went to college just roaming there and here!!

Them they heard a announcement from principles!!

Princi: Dear students attention please so i know you all must be tired of all this things so we thought to give you a leave for 2 days!!and after 2 days all students and staff of our collage os gaining a party for this success!!

Hearing all this all students hooted they all are happy

Avu:wow party that to with princi intresting or boring

Jaan:of corse boring we know that!!anyways I'm going bye

Then like this everyone started going to their respective places!!

Thats for today chappy Guess what happened next Double update are u happy??am so happy with your all response that's why i gave you!!Now some spicy is coming!!I know this is boring but intresting is coming!If you like my chapter then pls vote and ...

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Thats for today chappy
Guess what happened next
Double update are u happy??am so happy with your all response that's why i gave you!!
Now some spicy is coming!!
I know this is boring but intresting is coming!
If you like my chapter then pls vote and comment

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