Chapter Nine.

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Update: Edited -- August 12th, 2016 -- 7:18 PM.

"I knew something didn't seem right!"
Hayden called out, as he pointed his index finger at me.

I held my hands up in defeat, as I slowly began to back up.

"It's not what it looks like!" I quickly replied, as I tried to hide the look of fear that was planted across my face.

"I can't believe you and Noah lied to us! Let along me! I thought we were best buds, bro!?" Hayden stepped closer, causing my back to hit the wall behind me.

Silence rose around the room, as I received angry stares from my fellow classmates, and friends. I didn't know what to say. All of this happened so sudden. I was about to speak, when a sharp cramp hit me in my stomach, causing me to double over. My eyes grew wide in realization. It's my 'time of the month', and it shown through my white jeans. Everyone gave me a disgusted expression.

"Explain, Sam, or should I say, Samantha!" Hayden yelled, making a scene.

Looking past him, I saw Rachel, as she looked completely hurt with what was going on. Tears ran down her face, as she started to run away from the scene.

"Rachel!" I shouted, as I ran after her.

Everything began to move in slow motion. It felt like Rachel and I were the only two in this world, and I needed her the most. As I was running after her, my Black T shirt, and white jeans suddenly changed into a light orange tank top, with a black pencil skirt. My vans changed to black heals.

What the hell?!

I suddenly fell to the ground, due to running in heals. I grunted, as I looked up from my spot. I could see Rachel crying into her dads arms, as Zachary ran up to me, grabbing onto the collar of my tank top. He pulled me up from the ground, as he glared down at me.

"I told you not to hurt her! Look what you did!" Zachary shouted, as he balled his hand into a fist, swinging it quickly towards my face.

I covered my face, as I tried to get out of his grip. As soon as I peaked up, his fist collided with my face, as darkness covered over me, knocking me out in the process.

I shook myself out of the darkness, as I looked around with wide eyes. I was back in Rachel's room. I slowly looked down, as my outfit was back to normal; Black T shirt, with not so white, but blue skinny jeans. My vans were back, as well.

I glanced over, to find Rachel still sound asleep on my shoulder. I sighed with relief, as I started to relax once more. It was all just a dream... Just one crazy dream.

Rachel slowly started to shift, as she opened her eyes. She looked over at me with a small smile across her face.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'm sorry." Rachel apologized, as she sat up, and stretched.

"It's alright. You looked peaceful. I didn't want to wake you up."I responded softly.

Rachel blushed, as she looked down in her lap.

Looking over, I looked at the time, as her blue clock read 5:56 P.M. I should start heading back. All I need to look for is the park, which shouldn't be too far away.

"I need to start heading back home. I hope you don't mind." I told with a frown.

Rachel shook her head, as she got out of bed, and she grabbed onto my hands. "Not at all. You know where you're going, right?" She asked.

I nodded, as I flashed her a warm smile. "Yeah, I'll be alright." I responded, as I grabbed onto her hands and stood up.

Rachel and I walked out of her room and downstairs, where she walked me to the front door. I walked outside in the cool Autumn weather. Turning around, Rachel stood in the doorway, as she waved goodbye to me. I leaned forwards, as I peaked her lips, just before making my way down the street, with my bag swung over my shoulder.

20 minutes of walking around, I finally found the park. It was only a few blocks up, so it wasn't too bad. Turning down the streets I normally took to get home, I finally made it safely.

Walking into, my blood began to boil, as I saw my family sitting in the living room, watching a movie and eating dinner. Seems like they didn't care where I was or if I was alright.

My mother looked over at me with relief expression planted on her face. "There you are!"
She cheered. "Are you alright?"

Oh, so now you're concerned? 

I ignored her, as my father and I made eye contact with each other. I glared at him, as I walked up the stairs.

"W-Wait! Sam?" My mother called, as she stood up. "Aren't you hungry?" She asked.

"No." I mumbled loud enough, before disappearing from their sight.

Once I made it up the stairs, I walked inside my bedroom, slamming the door shut, as I threw my backpack on the other side of the room. I groaned angrily, as I balled my hands up into fists. Why am I the only one getting punished for going to that party? Why are they pointing fingers at me, and not both, Noah and I? 

I sighed loudly, as I pushed the thought out of my mind. I then, grabbed my towel and some pajamas, as I headed out of my bedroom and towards the bathroom. I needed a shower. I felt gross from walking home.

Once I entered the bathroom, I turned on the shower, as I adjusted the temperature, before stripping out of my clothing, and jumping into the shower. I let the hot water run down my body, as I let out a sigh to relax. 

Instead of singing, like I normally would do, I began to think of the problems I'm currently dealing with. The more my father and I ignore each other, the more it makes me feel bad for what I had done. Maybe he's upset with me, because he knew he had taught me so much better, than he did with Noah, but I'm not completely sure about that. I just don't understand why they've forgave Noah real quick. Was it because this was expected from him? While growing up, Noah has always been the party animal, while I sat in the living room, studying or watching the discovery channel on Friday nights. I made the mistake on going with Noah ONCE, and suddenly I'm the horrible child.

I shook my head at the though, as I placed both hands on the wall in front of me.

At least my mother is speaking to me, but normally if she found out I was left outside somewhere, she'd jump into the car and drive around town to find me. Mother has done that before, but why didn't see look for me earlier when I didn't come home? Father isn't the type of guy who would lie to his wife, so I'm pretty sure she was highly aware that I was out to look for home by myself.

Once again, I shook my head, emptying my current thoughts, as I began to wash myself. Once I was out of the shower, I dried myself off, as I changed into my pajamas. Walking out of the bathroom, I stopped walking, as I listened from the top of the stairs. I could hear the laughter of my family having a blast. I sighed, as I walked into my bedroom, shutting the door behind.

Leaning up against my bedroom door, I could feel the tears burn into my eyes, as I held them back. Crying now isn't going to solve anything. I gripped onto my towel, before throwing it on the other side of the room.

I took some deep, heavy breaths, as I looked over at my alarm clock;  7:42 P.M. I have nothing else to do, and I'm certainly not going downstairs. I shut off my lights, as I walked over to my bed. I crawled into bed, as I wrapped myself in my blanket. I stared up at the ceiling, as my emotions started to flood over. I didn't cry, nor did I move. I just sat there in the dark silent, until sleep covered over me, and my dreams flashed before my eyes peacefully.

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