Chapter Forty-nine.

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   November 25th

   Yesterday, my work called me at 8AM, wondering if I could do an 6pm to close shift. If I would have remembered that today is thanksgiving, I would have turned it down. I didn't get to sleep until 12:30 last night, and waking up at 6AM to help mother and father cook more food, for everybody who's going to be here, is officially the death of me.

I dragged myself out of bed, as I grabbed my shower supplies and a towel, before pulling myself towards the bathroom. Shutting the door behind, I turned on the hot shower, as I quickly stripped out of my night attire and hopping inside.

Hot water rolled off my body, as I leaned my head up against the wall, with my eyes closed. I couldn't get myself to shake the sleep away. It also doesn't help that I am extremely sore from last nights shift. Who knew a small dinner could become so busy on a Wednesday night; the night before Thanksgiving, out of all days.

As I slowly opened up my eyes, the light blue tiled wall came into view. Pushing myself back up, I grabbed my AXE shampoo, as I began to wash my hair. After rinsing the greasy soap away, I began to wash every inch of my sore being. Once I rinsed the soap away, I laid my head on the wall again, as I began to pounder about everything that has happened in the past several months.

After my fight with Mason, no charges were ever filed, my nose eventually healed, and Rachel and Masons friendship broke apart. I feel bad about that, to be honest. According to Rachel, though, it had to be done, since he had punched someone she loved. I asked her over and over if she was ever upset or disappointed in me, for fighting him. Her response; not at all, which surprised me, greatly. Mother and father told Noah about the fight. According to them, he was extremely shocked, yet so proud of me. Again, I'm still not proud of it.

Speaking of Noah, he's doing really well in school. He's made it onto the honors roll and apparently, he's in a fraternity. Since he's proud of me, I'm proud of him, as well. I just hope the fraternity doesn't ruin his years of college, but we'll see.

Other than that, school and work are still the same. I manage to get a passing grade of a B+ in calculus, which I am thrilled about. Lydia Bee should be here in January, as her room is almost ready. As for Rachel and I, we are still as strong as ever.

I slowly picked my head up, as I stared down at the shower handles. Bracing myself, I quickly turned the right one, all the way to the left. Hot water was immediately replaced with ice cold, as it drenched my entire body. My muscles tensed, as I began to shiver uncontrollably. Within seconds, the sleepiness subsided, as I was quickly alert and awake, into which, I quickly turned off the shower.

I let out a heavy sigh, as the torture had finally seized. Pulling the shower curtains back, I grabbed my towel, as I began to quickly dry myself off and jump into some nice, warm clothes; orange and black flannel, with a black t-shirt underneath. Dark blue jeans, and a pair of my black tennis shoes. I towel dried my hair, as I eyed its length; it's just above my jawline. I hummed, as I made a mental note to myself, that sometime this week, I will be getting a haircut. To finish off my appearance, I sprayed on some cologne, before exiting the bathroom.

I trotted down the stairs, as I eyed the clock, that hung on the wall near the dinning room entrance; 6:37AM.

Oh my, god. Kill me.

I silently groaned to myself, as I made my way into the kitchen, where mother and father were preparing dinner. I leaned against the door frame, as I watched my parents, with a smile upon my face. Father stood by my mother, as he had his arm wrapped around her waist, while she leaned into him, gently. She hummed a small tune, as she laid her head upon his shoulder, while she began to mix in the ingredients for her homemade pumpkin pie. Father had a bright smile upon his face, as he planted a small kiss on top of her head.

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