Chapter Thirty-three.

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I arrived in front of Rachel's house, as I pulled out my phone to check the time; 3:08 PM.

Damn it! You're late, idiot!

I groaned out loud, as I trotted up the steps and approached her front door. I made my right hand into a fist, as I began to knock loudly against the door. Within seconds, the front door slowly opened, as Rachel stood on the other side, with a smile across her face.

"There you are!" Rachel cheered, as she stepped outside, shutting the door behind. "I was getting a bit worried." She added, as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

My arms snaked around her waist, as we both leaned forward, giving each other a small kiss before pulling away.
"Your knight in shining armor lost track of time, but is finally here to save the day!" I spoke, dramatically, as we stepped off the porch together.

Rachel giggled, as we began to head down the street. The walk to the mall was quiet, yet peaceful, as the wind blew the leaves around, and the bird sang their usual tune.

Today is going to be a good one... I just know it!


As we arrived to our first destination, I told Rachel that she has $50 to go crazy on, as this was part of her Christmas present. At first, she declined, as she wanted me to keep the money, but I eventually talked her into spending the money on whatever she wanted or needed. It concluded with her saying 'are you sure?' twenty million times.

Rachel held my hand tightly, as she began to drag me around the mall, looking for a certain store. Eventually, we ended up finding it, as she stopped in front of me, before entering.

"I want to add some charms to my Pandora bracelet." She explained, as she lifted her wrist up, exposing the beautiful, silver chain, that had 7 different charms on it. "Would you help me pick a couple out?" She asked, as she dropped her wrist, and grabbed my hand once again.

A smile attacked my face, as I nodded my head. "Of course!" I agreed, as the both of us entered inside the store.

Rachel dragged me towards the charms that laid behind the glass, as we began to exam each and every one of the charms they had to offer. They were all beautiful and unique, as our search was going to be harder than expected.

"Any ideas?" Rachel mumbled, as her eyes never left the charms.

I hummed, as I pulled myself away from the glass. Lifting up our intertwined hands, I eyed her bracelet, and it's many charms.

Heart. Ballerina shoes. The number 16. Moon with stars. Teddy bear. Christmas tree. Music note.

These bracelets tell a story about someone's life. How about she adds the latest event that appeared in hers.

A grin appeared on my face, as an idea popped into my mind. Stepping away from the show case full of charms, I pulled her with me, as we walked to the other side of the store. Rachel had a puzzled expression planted across her face, but she kept quiet, as she let my idea become reality.

We stepped in front of a different show case, one that had different numbers and letters inside. Rachel eyed the charms, and then back at me. The grin on my face grew larger, once we made eye contact.

"These bracelets are very important, and these charms tell a story." I began, as Rachel slowly nodded. "Why don't we add a new event to your bracelet." I suggested, as I placed my finger on the glass, making Rachel see what I was pointing at. "R for Rachel." I spoke, as I began to drag my finger across the smooth, clean glass. "And S for Sam." I finished.

Rachel's eyes grew wide with her smile, as she looked back up at me. "You're a genius!" She nearly shouted, as she eyed the silver, diamond, dangled, lettered charms.

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