Chapter Twenty-one.

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I sat in the back of my father's truck, as he took Noah and I home from school. Today was the longest day of my life.

First, Rachel wasn't at school today. She was running a fever of 102°F. Then, all of my six teachers today decided on assigning homework; some due tomorrow, while others due at the end of the week. I told Rachel I'd try to come over later on to check up on her, after a get a little bit of homework done. Now, I'm leaning up against my seat, with my head resting on the back of the head rest, as my eyes wouldn't keep open any longer.

Today was a huge piece of shit...

Father pulled in the drive way, as he turned off the engine. Grabbing my ten thousand pound back pack, I swung it over my left shoulder. I whined from the impact of my back pack hitting my shoulder, as I heard my shoulder pop.

GREAT... Just what I need, a hurt shoulder.

Sighing loudly, I began to head towards the door, as I opened it up, and walked inside.

My mother sat on the couch, typing away on her laptop. She didn't notice that we came in, as all her interest and concentration was set on the screen.

I chuckled, "Writing your novel, I see?"

My mother jumped lighting in surprised, as she looked away from her work and into me, with a smile.

"Indeed, I am! I haven't been able to think of anything to up in weeks! As soon as I dropped you two off at school, I felt inspired!" She shouted with glee, as she let out a joyful laugh.

I couldn't help, but smile for her.

"I'm proud of you. Keep on writing!" Was all I said, before I turned on my heels and headed up the stairs to my room.

As soon as I my door was in view, I sighed with exhausted, as I closed my eyes, placing my hand on the door knob and walking inside.

"Finally." I mumbled to myself, as I placed my back on the ground, and fell on top of my bed.

"Ow! Watch where you are plopping yourself, Samantha!"

Samantha... I haven't heard that name in months! Opening my eyes, I looked over at the person who spoke, as my eyes grew large, with happiness and shock.

"Heh, missed me?" My long lost best friend, Bethany said to me, with a smile planted on her face.

I couldn't speak. All I could do was stare, as tears filled my eyes. I couldn't believe she was here... I haven't seen her sense the fire... But, how...?

I instantly jumped up, as I straddled her waist, hugging her tightly, as I cried into her shoulder.

Bethany laughed, as she hugged me back. "I missed you so much, Sam! You have no idea!"

"Oh my, God... B-Bethany," I sputtered through the cried, "What are you doing here?" I asked, as I released the hug and looked at her with disbelief.

"Well, I just got my drivers licenses, and I thought 'Where could I go first?' and you popped into my mind. So, here I am." Bethany explained, as a small smile crept on her face.

"What long have you been here?" I asked, quickly.

"I've been here for about an hour now." Bethany answered.

"What about school?" I quickly spat out another question.

"School was cancelled today. We had a water main break this morning." She responded, as she let out a small laugh.

"What about that boy... Uh... What's his name? ... Daniel!" I randomly asked.

"UGH! For the last time, nothing is going on between us!" Bethany groaned in embarrassment.

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