Chapter Twelve.

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Update: Edited -- September 14th, 2016 -- 1:14 AM.

I was the last one to finish dinner, as I placed my plate into the sink. While I was along, I leaned up against the counter, as I began to think about some things.

How is it going to be with Dad teaching me how to dance? How am I going to get my suit in time?

Mom and Dad tried to convince me into wearing a nice dress, until the truth about Rachel not knowing my correct gender just yet. They didn't look upset, but they also didn't look shocked either.

Mom told me whatever I want to do, in order to make myself happy, she'll accept. Even Dad told me that he accepted me for once, which I grew shocked about.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I let out a small sigh, as I walked out of the kitchen, and into the lower part of the hallway. Down the hall, I heard faint music playing in the basement, as I heard stuff being moved around. Bracing myself, I started to head down the stairs.

Once I was in the basement, I looked around at the huge empty space my Dad had cleared for us. A small radio with speakers sat in the corner of the room, as two bottled waters sat perfectly on the table next to it.

"I'm glad that we can have this time alone together." My dad called out, as he turned around to look at me. "I think it's time to forget about our past and move on anyways. What do you say?" He asked, as he flashed a small smile.

I stood there speechless for a couple of seconds, but I couldn't help but cuddle, as I flashed a smile.

"I think it's time we hug and make up already." I responded, crossing my arms over my chest.

Dad walked over to me, as he wrapped his arms around, and embraced me in his hug. Hugging back, I felt my body relax. Having your own father hug you in the first time in days, is really a lift off your shoulders.

"I love you Sam, please don't forget that." He told, as he released the hug.

I nodded. "I love you too." I replied.

There was a couple silence of smiles and awkward look arounds for a few, until I broke the ice.

"So, are you going to teach me some of your old man moves or what?" I called out, as I playfully punched him in the arm.

Dad chuckled, as he nodded. "Well, that is why we are down here. I will teach you everyday after school and dinner till Home Coming night."He added, as he walked over to the radio.

"If your mother loved my moves, I'm pretty sure Rachel would love them as much." He turned around, as he smiled.

My face turned into into a light red, as I looked down from embarrassment.

"Let's hope." I mumbled.

* * *

My feet swayed from one part of the room to another, as dad showed me the basic steps once again. We repeated this step about 10 million times, but I'm a very patient person when it comes to learning something new.

Foot steps were heard coming down the stairs, as mom stood on the stairs and watched for a few.

"I'm glad you two are finally getting along." Mom told, as one of dads songs ended.

Dad and I turned around to look at her, as we smiled. "What time is it, my dear?" Dad asked, as I walked over to get a drink of water.

"10:15 pm. I believe it's time to end the lesson for tonight. Sam, I want you to take a shower and head to bed." My mom said, as she smiled. "By the way, I would like to meet Rachel tomorrow. If it's alright with her, maybe she can have dinner with us." She added, as she put her hands on her hips like a mother would.

For some odd reason, I was actually calm about this situation.

"Alright. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Love you." I said, as I grabbed my water bottle and headed up the stairs.

I made it up one more set of stairs, as I walked into my bedroom to grab my towel and extra clothes, and headed straight towards the bathroom. Once I walked into the bathroom, I started to feel nervous. My parents are actually going to meet Rachel tomorrow. To be honest, I have never brought home any of my significant others, let along a girl before. I honestly hope they don't blow my cover, but yet, they're pretty good at keeping that a secret.

As I hoped in the shower, I did my routine, as I quickly got out, dried off and got dressed. Once I made it to my bedroom, I was actually really exhausted from dads dance lesson. I have never felt happier though, now that we've made up.

Shutting off my lights, I climbed into bed, as I reacted over for my phone. As I clicked on Rachel's number, I began to send her a text.

Sam: Hey! Sorry if you're sleeping, but my parents would like you to come home with me, maybe have dinner? What do you say? :P

Oh god, my message sounds so cheesy. I'm not really good with asking people things. Moments later, my phone buzzed, as Rachel texted me back.

Rachel: Hey, no I've been awake for awhile. All this homework that our Math teacher gave us... Anyway, I would love to come over tomorrow, I'll meet you where we normally stand outside. (: I love you. <3

I smiled, as I responded to her text.

Sam: That's boring. xD I'll help you tomorrow with it if you're still stuck. Alright! Sounds good! I love you too babe. <3

Placing my phone on the night stand, I slowly closed my eyes, as I rolled over and faced the wall. Hopefully tomorrows going to be a good day, and hopefully my family likes her too.

I let out a small yawn, as I felt my eyes get heavy underneath my eyes, as I let my dreams quickly consumed over me.

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