He'll Come Around (Part Two)

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He'll Come Around (Part Two)

"Take as long as you need," Blaire's voice broke through the sound of the radio as I sat in my idling car in the school's parking lot.

We had arrived at school almost ten minutes ago, and I hadn't made a move to get out of the car, or even turn it off. Blaire had been waiting patiently with me but had decided it was time to head into the school.

I had asked about Andy and Leroy during the drive, but she admitted she didn't know much. Whatever happened between Leroy and me that afternoon, no one else knew. Hell, it seemed as though Leroy didn't even know about it.

How the fuck could I be so stupid?

I looked over to my left and saw her standing just outside my car holding onto the open door, leaning down to look in at me.

"Just keep trying to breathe," she said with a smile, and I nodded.

"That is generally how humans survive."

Lightening the mood was never my strong point, especially when my voice cracked with every word.

"Har-har. I'll see you in there."

With that, Blaire closed the door and began walking toward the school, and I watched her until she was out of sight. Soon after, I turned my car off and sat in silence, I noticed a few of the students look over at me on their way up to the school. Some of them even waved, though I didn't wave back.

To be completely honest with myself, I had no idea if that was a good sign or not. I had known these people long enough to know that that could be a standard greeting or a sarcastic gesture. At that moment, I was leaning more toward the torment, and I felt as though I wanted to cry. Which I had already narrowly avoided this morning and wanted to keep avoiding it.

Blinking a few times and fighting the urge to let tears stream down my cheeks, I grabbed my bag and exited the car. The fresh morning air slapped me in the face, as my eyes lingered on the school and the students entering it. I knew that it was going to be a long day, and I'd give anything for it not to be something I had to face, but I had to. Taking in a few deep breaths, I began my slow walk toward the school's entrance, trying to keep my eyes on the ground.

Walking up through the parking lot and across the grounds, I heard a few whispers and felt eyes lingering on me. Some people greeted me normally, and I mumbled a hello, while others smiled.

Trying not to look at anyone else, I finally reached the entrance, and as I walked in, I saw Andy, Blaire, and Leroy standing off to the side together.

Swallowing whatever courage and confidence I had left, I made my way over to them. It was now or never.

Blaire smiled at me as I reached them, giving me an encouraging nod, which I returned, before turning my attention to the other two, my heart in my mouth.

An uncomfortable silence hung within the group for a moment as Andy and Leroy stood awkwardly in front of me, stealing glances at each other. Much to the hatred for myself, my eyes drifted to Leroy. His eyes flickered to me, then to Andy, then to the ground. He was fidgeting with his hands, and it seemed as though he wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the words. Or, at least, for a moment, he couldn't.

"I... didn't want... I'm sorry, Pete."

A cold blade slowly slid into my heart.

Leroy didn't even have to give any more context to his words, as I felt my chest become hollow.

"Leroy, if you just listen," I heard Andy whisper, but Leroy just shook his head before turning on his heel and walking down the hallway away from me.

"What's that about?" Blaire said, seemingly spitting poison at Andy.

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