A Small Crush (Part Two)

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A Small Crush (Part Two)

After doing a slight jog, I quickly caught up to them, and we all walked to the field together, making small talk and greeting other students along the way.

"Hey, Pete, how's the Blaire thing going?" Leroy whispered to me as we reached the field.

Blaire and Andy had wandered slightly ahead of us, as Leroy and I had slowed our pace. I wasn't too sure why we'd slowed down, but I think Leroy may have somehow tricked me into doing it so he could speak to me alone.

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb. If there was one thing I had become good at, it was playing dumb. It was something that I had to do to avoid questions like the one Leroy had just asked.

When you're in high school, there is a rule that you have to be seen in a relationship at least once. At least, it was a rule in our high school. Why? I have no idea, but for me, that was a problem. Sure, I could go and ask a random girl out, but I know I would hate myself for doing that, and I couldn't exactly go and ask a guy out. So, I had to dodge a lot of questions regarding the topic.

Did it make me feel bad that I occasionally had to lie to my friends? Yes. But what was a few small lies when I had one big one? It probably wasn't the best way to look at it, but it was the only way I had to make myself feel slightly better about it.

"Come on, Pete. You know what I mean." Leroy gave me a little nudge, and I just looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. What Blaire thing?" I asked, really hoping that he would drop the subject, but deep down, I knew that he wouldn't.

"Don't you have a thing for Blaire? Don't you like her?"

"I mean, yeah. As a friend."

"No, no, no." Leroy let out a small chuckle. "You had a thing for Blaire. You have for ages now!"

"It was a small crush," I replied, trying to think of a way out of this.

I knew that if I outright said I didn't like her, Leroy and Andy would start prying and trying to get me with another girl. But at the same time, I didn't want to say that I still liked her as, eventually, it could make things weird within the group—especially when I wasn't going to make a move.

"A small crush?" Leroy pressed, and I internally groaned.

"Yeah, it's no big deal."

"But it could be!" Leroy exclaimed, and I decided to pick up my walking pace to catch up to Blaire and Andy.

"Just drop it, Leroy," I warned before we caught up to the other two.

"Oh, look. It's the slowest walking people in the world. Good to see you two again!" Andy greeted us, and I gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Let's get some seats?" I suggested, and the other three nodded in agreement.

It wasn't long before we did find somewhere to sit, and the game started. The cheers of two school's students filled the air, and I soon lost myself in the sound.

"Well, that was bullshit!" Andy mumbled as we were walking back toward the car. "Can't believe we lost. Again."

The game had finished way too soon for my liking, but then again, it always did. I would've liked to say it was close, but our school's team got demolished on the field. Though I still enjoyed myself. I always did when I was out with my friends. It didn't matter what we were doing, as long as we were together, I still found myself having fun. Watching a game of football was just a bonus—even if our team did lose.

"Ah, well. It's just because Leroy wasn't on the team," I stated and shot Leroy a quick wink.

In return, I got a bright smile. One that lit up his face, crinkling his light brown eyes and showing off the slight dimples in his cheeks. It was a sight to behold.

Tearing my eyes away from Leroy. A weird feeling made its way through my body as I watched him smile. A warmth unlike any I'd felt before.

Yes. I have seen guys that I found attractive, and I developed slight crushes on them. Andy was an excellent example of that. But they had all been brought about because of lust and nothing more. Whatever the feeling I just had was, I had never gotten it before. No one's smile had ever done that to me before. Leroy's smile had never done that to me before, and it had me panicking slightly.

I stole another glance at Leroy, but he was looking in the other direction, slightly down at the ground. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and the feeling and quickly unlocked my car.

"Shotgun!" I heard Blaire suddenly scream, and I looked up to see her knock Andy out of the way and jump in the car. "Suck it, fuckers!"

"Son of a bitch!" Andy yelled before getting into the back seat with Leroy, who still wasn't looking in my direction.

I couldn't say that it didn't hurt that he wasn't looking at me, but I had to see it as a good thing. If he didn't look at me, I wouldn't feel that flutter in my stomach, or the heat rush to my face. But at the same time, I still felt something, and I only hoped that it went away.

Doing all I could to push all the thoughts out of my head, I got inside the car and looked over at Blaire who was clearly happy about the fact she was sitting in the front seat.

"Can we go to The Coffee House?" she asked, turning her attention to the two boys in the back seat who nodded in agreement before turning back to me.

"Well, three against one. Guess I don't have a choice." I let out a small chuckle and kicked my car's engine over, giving Blaire a small smile while doing so. "Twenty-Four-Hour Coffee House, here we come!"

"Hell, yeah! Caffeine!"Leroy yelled, and I looked in the rear-view mirror to see him smile again, though as he caught my eye, I saw it falter slightly, along with my stomach.


A/N: A new part, whoop!

I hope you enjoyed this part. Things are getting a bit... Ooft (is that the right sound?) now. If you have a minute, it would mean a lot to me if you could vote and leave some support in the comments below!

But, now, here is a question:

Do you think Pete was wrong for lying to Andy and Leroy about his "thing" for Blaire?

Re-write question:

Have you ever had a crush on a friend?

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