The Ball (Part Two)

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The Ball (Part Two)

Silence fell between the two of us as the sounds of other students filled out ears, all enjoying their lunchtime. After a few more moments of us sitting quietly, I looked back at Cooper, watching him swing his legs as he looked out onto the field.

"Well, uh," I started, clearing my throat, and Cooper turned to me. "I'm not a hot girl or anything, but, uh, I could go with you?"

"Isn't there a boy you wanna take?" Cooper asked, smiling at me, and I was glad it was back.

"Oh, yeah. The options are limitless."

"You could ask Trent?" Cooper suggested, and I knotted my eyebrows.

"I don't think it's wise for me, an eighteen-year-old, to ask Trent, a fifteen-year-old, to be my date."

"I mean, you have a point. Though, I'm not eighteen either."

"You turn eighteen early next year," I said with a shrug. "Besides, if you don't say yes, I won't be going. Because I wasn't going to go. But, if you're my date..."

"You are so awkward and cute," Cooper cooed, and I felt my face begin to heat up.

"Is that a yes?" I asked, trying to hide my blushing face.

Why the hell did compliments make me so uncomfortable?

"Yes. We will go together," Cooper agreed, still smirking. "But only if you promise to help me get ready."

"Deal!" I smiled at Cooper as he held out his hand for me to shake it, and I did. "I will help you choose an outfit."

"Thank God. I have zero fashion sense." Cooper laughed, dropping my hand and jumping off the table.

"I have none either, but Andy does, so I should invite him if that's okay?"

"Yeah, of course! Does that mean..."

"Yes, Blaire will probably be there to help, too."

"I mean, not that I care or anything," Cooper mumbled, hiding his face as crimson crept onto it.

"Mhm, of course not."

I was thankful for how quickly we had gotten back to normal after my overstepping before. I knew I shouldn't have said anything, and now I know better. It's none of my business, and I was going to respect that. All I had to do now was get rid of the worry in my head—which was easier said than done.

"It'll be awesome if they come. It'll be just like the movies! A group of friends getting ready for a dance together!"

"I've never seen a movie where that happens," I admitted with a laugh as we both began to walk into the school.

Lunch still wasn't over yet, so I wasn't sure what we were doing, but I was just following Cooper.

"You've just been watching all the wrong movies then."

"Clearly," I said with a smile before asking a question I should have asked ages ago. "Have you seen Trent?"

"Blaire said something about him doing something for the ball," Cooper answered as we walked into the school's main hall.

It held quite a few students. Usually, it was almost vacant during lunch, but a lot of students were helping to set up for the ball. Hanging banners, ribbons, and balloons around the school, along with giant posters boasting bright colours asking, 'Who will be Peer of the Year?'

It didn't surprise me that so much effort went into the ball each year, as it was pretty much the only thing the school did that wasn't crap. The jury was still out on the Peer of the Year, though.

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