A Small Crush (Part Three)

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A Small Crush (Part Three)

Taking my eyes off him again, and silently cursing myself, I pulled out of the parking lot and began driving to The Coffee House. The Coffee House that Blaire and I had gone to that morning, the same one our group went to almost every morning, was one of the great things about where we lived. Twenty-Four-Hour coffee. Seven days a week. They also sold food. It was heaven on Earth.

When we arrived, I saw that there was no one else around, so I parked right in front of the doors, signalling everyone to get out of the car. Soon, we found ourselves sitting inside the warm, empty coffee house, waiting for our drinks to arrive, talking about the game we had just watched.

"I think that if Kyle knew how to play football, we would have won," Andy stated, playing with a few straws that had been left on the table.

"I don't think Kyle was the only problem on the field, Andy," Blaire said with a chuckle. "I'm pretty sure the whole offence sucks ass."

"True, but even so... it was mainly Kyle."

"You just don't like him," I stated knowingly, taking one of the straws he was playing with.

Andy and I were sitting opposite each other on the inside of the booth, both leaning up against the window that sat beside us. Blaire was seated next to me, much to Leroy and Andy's pleasure, while Leroy had slipped in beside Andy.

"He stole my rubber ball!" Andy defended himself.

"Like, three years ago! Let it go!" I retorted letting out a laugh.

"Never. I haven't bought another rubber ball since then."

"I don't think that has any correlation to what Kyle did."

"Oh, stop with the big words, Peter. We both know I don't know what correlation means."

"That's because you don't pay attention in class," I replied, taking the second straw away from him.

"I do pay attention. I just forget," Andy responded, turning his nose up slightly.

"Yeah, 'cause you're a dumbass," Blaire chipped in, causing me and Leroy to let out a laugh.

"I'm not even going to argue with that," Andy said with a chuckle, taking back one of the straws I took.

"Here are your drinks." A young male waiter appeared and placed four cups of coffee on the table slowly and carefully before shooting us all a smile. It was at this moment that mine and his eyes met, and we stared at each other for a moment, and I shot him a quick smile back before hurriedly turning away.

"Fuck, I love coffee," Andy muttered as he held his mug in two hands and took a few sips.

I smiled at my friend before stealing another glance at the waiter who had brought us our coffee and saw that he was already looking over at me but quickly looked away when he caught my eye. Smiling slightly to myself, I turned back to the coffee in front of me and began to drink it, taking in the warmth of the cup and the company of my friends.

All too soon, our drinks were finished, and Andy was announcing that he needed to get home.

"My dad will kill me if I don't get home soon."

"Yeah, same," Leroy joined in and gave everyone a sheepish smile.

"All right, then. I guess it's time to go. I'll pay for this, don't worry," I gestured to the four cups on the table. "I'll meet you three in the car."

As Andy, Blaire, and Leroy nodded and got up out of the booth, I dug around in my pocket and threw Blaire my keys.

"All right, boys! You heard him!" With that, Blaire led the other two out of the coffee house and into the car park to go and sit in the warmth of my car.

Smiling to myself, I slipped out of the booth and wandered up to the counter where our waiter was already standing.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, the same smile he held before still sitting on his face, causing me to smile back.

"Yeah, it's great. Just here to pay the bill," I replied, still smiling stupidly.

"All righty, just one second," he stated while typing on the computer in front of him.

As he did, I took in the sight of him properly for the first time. He had wavy, light brown hair and sweet baby blue eyes. His facial features were soft, and it looked as though he had a routine to keep it that way. Even though I was gay, I still wasn't very good at talking about boys and being attracted to them. But I could say that he was cute, and it was enough to get my mind off Leroy.

"All right, that'll just be nineteen dollars and eighty cents!" he stated, and I nodded while grabbing my wallet out of my pocket.

"It was, uh, excellent coffee," I said, mentally slapping myself.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" He replied with another bright smile, and I was mentally screaming while I handed him the money that I owed.

"Yeah, me too!"

Why did I have to be so awkward talking to people I found attractive? I quickly tried to compose myself while he got my change.

"Have a good rest of your night," he said with a small chuckle and another smile, and all I could do was nod while a long and endless scream echoed in my mind.

After I stowed my wallet back into my pocket, I quickly made my way out of the coffee house and into the parking lot, almost running over to my car and jumping inside.

"Geez, why are you in such a hurry?" Blaire asked with raised eyebrows, and I panicked slightly.

"It's fucking cold!" The words came out of my mouth before I had time to think, but it seemed like a good enough reason for my friends as they all nodded in agreement, and I once again kicked my car's engine over.

In just under an hour, I was sitting in my car alone, in the driveway of my house. Between Andy's complaining about the game, the talk of school the next day, and the goodnights, getting everyone home had taken longer than it should have, but I had eventually gotten it done.

It was almost midnight when I walked through my front door and slipped up the stairs and into my room. On game nights, I was allowed to stay out late.

As I fell onto my bed, I felt a wave of relief rush over me. Though that relief quickly faded away when I closed my eyes and the thoughts of a certain waiter floated into my mind, along with the face of one of my closest friends. Groaning to myself, I tried to push Leroy from my mind and solely focus on the waiter and only the waiter. I didn't want to relive the awkwardness that I had created in The Coffee House. I just wanted to think of his face.

As I lay there, however, I let my eyes wander around my darkened room until they landed where my computer sat, and the small 'on' light glowed in the darkness. Staring at the light that slowly dimmed and then brightened, my mind couldn't focus on the waiter. But it didn't drift to the video either. Instead, it landed on the one person I didn't want to think about and the smile he'd given me earlier in the night.

Do all gays fall in love with everyone who smiles at them? Or am I just a fucking mess?


A/N: More book? More book.

I hope you enjoyed! If you did, be sure to vote and maybe even tag some friends? They might like it to.

A special thanks to no one apparently, because Wattpad won't let me mention them... But I'm still gonna have this here because I'm salty.

Here's a question:

Should Peter be so hard on himself for having feelings for one of his best friends?

Re-write question:

Basically, the question Pete asked. Do all gays fall in love with everyone that smiles at them? Or is Pete just a mess?

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