Being Supportive (Part Two)

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Being Supportive (Part Two)

The morning pushed forward, and I was soon walking through the parking lot of The Coffee House with four coffees in my hand, shaking my head at Andy, who was modelling on my car.

"Geez, you took your sweet time!" he called out and slid off the hood of my car. "We were just having a shoot."

"For the disabled?" I questioned and received a chuckle from Blaire and Leroy.

"Just give me my coffee, Peter." Andy scoffed and grabbed one of the coffees from my hand after I showed him which one was his before jumping into my car's backseat.

I looked at the others questioningly.

"Blaire called shotgun," Leroy informed me, and Blaire laughed at the surprised look on my face.

"I know, right? I'm getting good at this game!"

"It's not a game!" Andy called from the car, and Blaire closed the door in his face.

"Whatever. Anyway, what took you so long?" Blaire had turned her attention back to me, and I averted my eyes from her and looked at Leroy, who was already facing me.

The truth was, the cute waiter had been working, and there was a possibility that I had done my best to keep the conversation between us going. If I was honest, it didn't go as well as I had hoped, mainly due to the immense amount of awkwardness that seeped from my body, but I did manage to get his name. Not from him directly, but from the badge on his shirt. It was Samuel.

Leroy and Blaire didn't need to know about my flirtatious attempt on Sam though. Hell, Sam didn't even know about it.

"Something happened with the coffee maker thing," I lied, finding it challenging to come up with something to explain why it had taken so long to get four coffees.

"I think it's just called a coffee machine, Pete," Blaire stated with a wink before getting into the front passenger seat of my car.

Leroy let out a soft chuckle.

"What?" I questioned, moving toward the driver's side of the car.

"Nothing," he responded with a smile plastered on his face. A beautiful, bright smile that reached his eyes and illuminated his whole face, and it seemed Sam no longer existed.

God damn it.

"Nothing," I mocked, tearing my eyes away from Leroy and shaking the feelings away.

Though the feelings didn't go away as I jumped in the car, and for the entire drive to school, I found myself looking in the rear-view mirror continually, just trying to get a glimpse of Leroy. The thought that it was starting to become an obsession crossed my mind on more than one occasion while I was driving, and I couldn't find any way to counter it.

An obsession? It hadn't even been a week since I'd started feeling something for Leroy, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him and wanting to see him. I wasn't sure how much longer I could continue to act normal around him and pretend like there wasn't something going on. At the rate that I seemed to be developing feelings for him, it didn't look like it would be for very long.

"Wait!" Blaire yelled after I had parked the car in the school's parking lot, and she reached over me to lock the car doors.

"Blaire, what the hell?" I asked her and caught a glimpse of Andy and Leroy smiling sheepishly in the back seat.

"You haven't said anything about yesterday," Blaire said slowly, and I rolled my eyes.

"I was hoping guilt would eat away at you all."

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