The Brodie's Residence (Part One)

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The Brodie's Residence (Part One)

"Phillip, you need to stop."

"But, Mum, John started it!"

"I did not, you liar!"

"Boys! Listen to your mother!"

"Welcome to an updated family dinner at the Brodie's residence. It has been a while," Blaire whispered into my ear as I watched two of her older brothers, John and Phillip, throw specs of salt and pepper at each other.

"How is it that I'm the youngest and most mature?" Blaire's younger brother sighed.

"Don't get involved, Lachlan," Mrs Brodie warned.

"Yeah, Lachy, you know what happens when you get involved," Blaire whispered to her younger brother, pointing across the crowded table at her other brother, Jordan, who was cracking his knuckles.

"I can take him!" Lachy retorted with a chuckle. "I've done it before."

"Oh, please, Tater Tot, you only landed a hit on me 'cause James was holding me down." Jordan laughed, cracking his knuckles again.

"Boys," Mr Brodie warned, grabbing the salt and pepper from John and Phillip.

"Oh, yeah, and he's not here right now, Lachy," John teased, shoving food into his mouth.

"Maybe it's your turn to be held down," Phillip joined it, causing both Mr and Mrs Brodie to sigh and roll their eyes.

"All right, you testosterone-riddled asses. Touch the little one, and I destroy all four of you," Blaire interjected, putting her knife and fork down.

"I know you're the second youngest, but you scare the crap out of me," Jordan admitted, placing his hands back on the table and smiling at Blaire.

"Good. And you know I'll keep to my word." Blaire shot a wink at Jordan, and I could see a smug Lachlan smirking across the table at his four older brothers.

"Doesn't she scare you, Pete?" Phillip asked, shoving more food into his mouth and showing it to John.

"A little, but the fear turns me on." I'm not sure why I said it and the words fell from my mouth before I could stop them.

It may have been because, after everything that had happened over the past two days, I was finally comfortable for the first time. Comfortable to be me.

The reaction I got to what I said was also worth it.

Jordan let out a bark-like laugh as John choked on his food slightly. Phillip moved to cover Lachlan's ears, while he followed Jordan's suit and laughed, while both Blaire's parents looked at me with raised eyebrows. Blaire replicated their look.

"I'm sorry. What?" Blaire asked, doing her best to keep her composure.

"It... it was a gay joke, that I'm now regretting," I mumbled.

While the initial reactions were fun to watch, I was still unsure about everything. Who I was and what Blaire's family thought of me.

"I don't get it," Jordan admitted after he calmed down.

"I didn't say it was a good one," I retorted, still in a whisper. "You still laughed."

"Well, it was random, and we do that very well here."

"I have noticed."

"I don't get it either," Lachlan chimed in, and I turned to look at him, but before I could speak, John got in first.

"Well, you see... Pete, may I?" He asked, tilting his head toward me.

I honestly had no idea what he was going to say, but I did know that everyone at the table knew who I was and what I was, so, I couldn't see the harm.

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