A Confession To Myself (Part Two)

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A Confession To Myself (Part Two)

The tile floor was cold beneath my feet as I made my way down the hallway toward the open archway that sat near the entrance of the house. I took in a few more of the family photos that were scattered down the hall. Some sat on the wall showing off my brother and me when we were younger, while others were placed on small wooden tables next to either open archway that sat opposite each other at the end of the hall.

Sighing, I turned into the archway on my left, taking the turn somewhat wide to not hit my hip on the wooden table that protruded just a touch too far. As I walked in, I took in the sight of my family's large dining room while continuing to walk through it. A long, glass table sat in the centre of the room, decorated with a few candles and flowers, while a glass chandelier hung from the ceiling directly above it.

As I said, my family lived quite comfortably. My father was a general practitioner at our local clinic, and my mother ran her own vineyard, which had become very popular. Surprisingly, my brother also contributed to the house. Instead of heading off to one of the many universities we have in Australia, my brother decided to continue on his dancing path, going on a few huge tours. I hated to admit it, but he was a talented dancer.

As I was making my way through the dining room, toward another arched doorway to my left at the back end of the room, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, and I reached down to grab it.

"Peter, you sophisticated dumpling," was the first thing I heard when I answered the phone, and I smiled at the sound of one of my best friend's voice.

"Andrew, you luxurious sausage," I slowly responded, doing my best to replicate him, though probably not to the best of my ability.

"What's up, man?" Andy asked, though I could only just hear him as the sound of a harsh wind was following his voice through the receiver.

"You're not driving, are you?" I asked cautiously.

"No!" He practically yelled back, obviously making sure that I could hear him. "My dad is, and he's smoking, so he's got the windows rolled down!"

"Fair enough." I let out a slight laugh and could feel my anxiety from making the video ebbing away as I listened to Andy.

Before you think it—no. I didn't like Andy that way. Sure, there was once a time when I did, but it was just a stupid crush, and it had passed. I wouldn't deny that he was handsome, though. He was tall with tight, curly, black hair and sweet brown eyes. I wouldn't say I had a type, but at one point, it felt like he was it.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?" Andy asked, still yelling, but just as the words had finished coming through my phone, the wind stopped coming through with it, and I assumed his dad must have put the windows back up.

"Uh," was all that seemed to come out of my mouth. Sure, I wanted to see Andy, it was always fun hanging out with him, along with my other friends, too. But the thought of the video circled in my mind, and I knew that was something I would have to deal with sooner rather than later.

My overall plan—whether it was a good one or not, I didn't know—was only to have one copy of the video and to carry it with me at all times. I wasn't too sure about what the rest of the plan was, but at this moment, it didn't seem essential to have a second step. All I knew was that if I had it with me, it would be safe. It may have been stupid, but I didn't want to delete it, and I didn't want to risk anyone seeing it.

"Blaire and Leroy are gonna be there," Andy continued, "they're gonna sleepover and head to school tomorrow with me. There'll be one more seat in the car if you're interested." I could practically hear a smile come through the phone with Andy's words, and I mentally slapped myself.

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