Advice (Part Three)

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Advice (Part Three)

"I have a question," I started, but Blaire cut me off.

"Shush, no, you don't. Listen." Blaire paused for a moment, before looking around The Coffee House, I assumed to see if Andy and Leroy had left. When she saw they were no longer inside, she continued. "The waiter, Simon."

"Samuel," I interject.

"Whatever. What do you think?"

"About the name? It's all right." Blaire slapped my arm and shook her head.

"No. The human that the name belongs to, you idiot."

"Yeah... he's definitely a human," I responded, feeling my face start to burn up.

"This is the perfect opportunity to learn how to talk about guys. Plus, it may help with the Leroy thing." Blaire leant back in her chair and crossed her arms as if she had just solved a complicated riddle, and I shook my head at her.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm not interested."

"I saw how you looked at..." Blaire trailed off, and I could tell that she was trying to remember the waiter's name again.

"Samuel!" I answered. "How can you keep forgetting?"

"Who cares what his name is? I saw you giving him the eye."

"The eye?"

"Yes. The eye. Do you not know what that is?" Blaire questioned, tilting her head.

"I know what an eye is." I gave her a small smile, and she rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm talking about the eye. The way you look at someone who you find attractive." Blaire looked over at Sam, who was cleaning up behind the counter, before looking back at me. "Like the look you gave him."

"I didn't give him a look. I just... looked at him," I defended as my eyes landed on Sam.

I didn't have a crush on him. I mean, he was attractive, and he seemed sweet and friendly, but I didn't like him in any romantic way. Though it could have been lust, I wasn't too sure what that felt like. I wasn't too sure what love felt like either, so what the hell did I know?

"You gave him the look, and you know it," Blaire said, pulling my attention away from Sam.

I liked it better when I had forgotten about him.

"Can I just state that this is a pointless conversation, and you're fuelling the 'Blaire and Pete are dating' fire?"

"How is this pointless? And who cares? let it burn." Blaire shrugged and shot me a wink.

"It's pointless because, one, there wasn't a look. Two, I'm so far in the closet I've almost discovered Narnia. And Three... I forgot what I was going to say."

"Okay, I get it. No pressure. Also, I'm sorry about the gay comment before." Blaire stood up and held her hand out to me.

"It's fine." I took Blaire's hand, and she pulled me to my feet. "You need to stop worrying about that crap."

"I know, I know. I'll do my best. But, anyway, just trying to give some advice."

We both wandered up to the counter, and Blaire paid for everyone's coffee, all while stealing glances at me, while I tried to ignore her. The whole transaction was awkward, and I was glad when it was over, and Blaire and I made our way toward the exit.

"He does have a nice ass." The words slipped out of my mouth just as we reached the door, and I felt Blaire's hand slap against my chest.

"There it is!" she let out a laugh, and I could feel my face, once again, heating up.

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