Cake Fixes Everything (Part Two)

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Cake Fixes Everything (Part Two)

I wished I hadn't heard that word. That he hadn't said it. Yes, I knew nothing would happen between us, and I didn't expect it to. I didn't want it to. I didn't want any of this.

The minutes slowly slipped past as my mind continued to ridicule everything I was and everything I had done. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't heard Sam approach my booth again. The clearing of a throat was the thing that grabbed my attention.

"Oh, sorry. I was somewhere else," I mumbled, lifting my head to stare at Sam, who was holding a mug of something in one hand and a small plate with chocolate cake on it in the other.

"This is on the house. I hope you feel better soon, man," Sam said with a smile, placing the mug and plate on the table in front of me.

"I can't take it for free," I started, but Sam stopped me.

"It's already paid for. Don't worry about it. Just enjoy it."

Just as I thought he was going to turn and walk away, Sam stepped a little closer and put his hand on my shoulder, causing a chill to rush through my body. "You'll get through it, Peter. You've already shown you're strong enough."

Shooting me one more perfect, soothing smile, Sam dropped his hand back to his side and left me alone at my booth.

Not letting my eyes linger on him any longer, I brought my attention to the cake and drink in front of me.

"Great. 'Cause cake fixes everything," I mumbled to myself sarcastically, poking at it absentmindedly with the spoon that had come with it.

Although I did my best to keep my mind off it, I found myself thinking about school. More specifically, the people in it. I didn't want to think about the rumours that may be spreading about me or the idle comments that would simmer in my peers' minds—waiting to spring up when I go back. To be thrown at me as I walk down the halls.

I could hardly wait.

Another thing that kept circling my mind was Donny. Not in the same way as Sam or Leroy had been, but more in a, 'what the living fuck was that?' kind of way.

After all, the guy who had been bullying me, tormenting me, and almost kicking the crap out of me, had just defended me. Told off one of the jocks for doing what he had done for years.

Seriously, what the living fuck was that?

If I thought anyone was going to stand up for me, it would have been Blaire. Though, I had just yelled at her in front of a lot of other students. So, understandable that she hadn't.

But Donny? He was the epitome of a douche. Or, at least, from what I'd seen of him. Maybe he was a decent human. Maybe he truly only disliked me for rejecting his sister. Which is the weirdest reason to hate someone, but I couldn't hold too much against him. Considering, so far, he was one of the few people to show support for me.

Knowing it would be rude not to eat the cake Sam had given me—damn, heterosexual, Sam—I slowly began to eat it while taking a few sips from my drink, which I discovered was hot chocolate, made almost perfectly.

When I finished, I sat in silence. The plate and mug pushed to the side as I fell back into my thoughts. I crossed my arms on the table and rested my head on them. My mind wandered to my family.

I wish I had come out better to my parents. Then again, I wish I didn't have to come out at all. It would be so much easier if everyone could accept who I was, so I didn't have to worry. So my mind didn't have to race thinking that my mother and father didn't see me in the same way.

I was still the same person. I hadn't changed. I hoped they could see that.

Whatever happened, I knew two things for certain.

One—Bradly accepted me. No matter what happened, I had one family member who still cared for me.

Two—I still had Blaire and Andy. Whenever I was ready.

As much as the guilt of yelling at Blaire and ditching Andy troubled me, it was a comfort to know that I could still go to them, and I would.

Facing my parents would come. Soon.

Slowly building up courage, I lifted myself from the booth and began walking back through The Coffee House. It felt weird not having to pay for anything, and as I passed the counter, I glanced at Sam, who gave me a gentle smile and wave. I did my best to return them before walking out of the exit.

As the guilt of yelling at Blaire continued to flow through me, I decided to give her a call and clear my mind of at least one thing. God knows there was already too much swirling around in there.

"Pete!" Blaire's voice burst out of my phone as I reached my car and settled down inside it. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, but quickly corrected myself, "well, no I'm not, but I just... wanted to say I'm sorry."

"You don't have to say sorry, Pete. I get it. I'm just glad you're doing a little better. I was really worried when you left."

"Yeah. I was going through a lot of emotions at the same time."

"I can't even imagine. Have you heard from Andy or Leroy?"

I felt my body tense at the mention of Leroy's name and I tried to shake it off, though, with not much luck.

"Andy messaged me and called."

Blaire seemed to hear the tension in my voice and didn't say anything more about Leroy and decided to change the subject.

"What're you doing now?"

"Sitting in my car. Not really sure what to do."

"Well, you could always come and pick me up."

"Why?" I asked, knotting my eyebrows, hearing a few yells and screams in the background around Blaire.

"I'm in P.E. and I really don't want to be," Blaire said honestly with a chuckle. "Plus, I don't think you should be alone at the moment."

"You don't have to leave school for me. I'm fine."

"Pete, please. I want to leave for me. Being there for you is an excuse I will happily take, though."

"Ugh, fine," I mumbled, seeing no use in trying to convince her to stay at school.

Besides, she was right, as she usually was. I needed to be with someone. I would go insane if I were left by myself with my thoughts.

"I'll be waiting out the front! See you soon!" With that, Blaire hung up the phone, probably trying not to get caught by the teacher.

Then again, I doubt she gave a damn.

Continuing to try and keep Leroy and everything else off my mind, I brought my car to life and turned the radio off, keeping myself in as much silence as I could. The quiet ride back to school was quick and it wasn't long before I was pulling up in front of the school, and Blaire ran over to the car and jumped inside. Though I tried not to look at her, I caught the sympathetic look she held on her face.

"I was going to ask if you're okay, but I already have, and I can see you're not."

"Thanks? I guess," I said, giving Blaire the side eye before pulling away from the school.

"Anytime," Blaire joked with a small chuckle.

The rest of the car trip was quiet, and as I pulled up to Blaire's house and turned my car off, we continued to sit in silence. Neither of us made a move to get out of the car or bring up what had happened at school. Something that I was thankful for.

"Are you ready?" Blaire asked suddenly, and I looked up the small grassy slope where her house sat.

"Thank you," I murmured, turning to look at her. "And I'm sorry."

"It's fine. And you will be okay." Blaire gave me a gentle smile, and at that moment, I had never been more thankful for anyone in my life.

"I hope so."

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