Peer Of The Year (Part Two)

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Peer Of The Year (Part Two)

If I thought it was loud outside, it was nothing compared to what it was inside. The mixture of music blaring and teenagers yelling was enough to drive one insane, but that didn't stop me from beginning to push through the other students. The flashing of colourful lights, and lack of actual lights that would help me be able to see made it challenging to make my way through the hall. Cooper must have felt that same, as when I turned around, I saw him latching onto my jacket.

Giving Cooper a small smile—which I'm sure he didn't see—I continued to make my way across the hall, trying to avoid getting knocked over or tripping over pieces of ribbon that had fallen from the roof and onto the floor. Thankfully, after hitting a few balloons out of the way, Cooper and I made it to the other side of the hall and stood pressed against the wall, out of the way of everyone else. Blaire soon joined us.

"They're setting up to do last moments!" Blaire yelled into my ear, and even then, I only just managed to hear her.

Last Moments was a thing the host of the school's ball did before announcing the Peer of the Year. They set up a screen and showcased the school's Social Wall, looking at the post commemorating the end of the year.

People weren't expected to post anything on there, it wasn't compulsory, but a lot of them did anyway. Especially the older students. It was a final goodbye to high school and even some friends.

"Already?" I yelled back, leaning closer to her ear.

Blaire nodded. "Think they wanna get it done earlier 'cause last year almost all the eighteen-year-olds left to get drunk."

"And I guess people wanna get to Donny's party," I shouted, and Blaire gave me a thumbs up.

She hadn't heard what I said.

"Hey, hey!" Andy's voice greeted my ears as the song ended and he pushed through a few students, Carly hanging onto his arm.

"Oh, my God," Blaire muttered, looking at Carly, who smiled brightly at us.

"They're skipping all the boring bits!" Andy exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Carly, who giggled. "Now we get to let loose quicker!"

"Yeah, we just gotta get through the last moments and Peer of the Year crap," I mumbled, rolling my eyes and seeing Cooper nod his head beside me.

"Did you guys post anything?" Carly asked, and I had to do my best not to blatantly ignore her.

"No. I think I've posted enough," I said bluntly.

Blaire made no effort to hide her distaste for Carly, however, and not only didn't respond but started a new conversation with Cooper so he wouldn't either.

"So, planning on kissing anyone under the fireworks?"

When it came to flirting, Blaire wasn't so subtle, which was something I had only noticed since she'd found an interest in Cooper.

"Is that something I'm supposed to do?" Cooper asked with a nervous chuckle as his face began to glow red.

"Heaps of students love to do it. Especially before a fire breaks out!" Andy interjected, excitement lacing his voice.

"Why am I friends with two budding arsonists?" I pondered as Carly giggled.

"Isn't he so cute?" Carly asked, kissing Andy on the cheek, and I could tell Blaire was resisting the urge to knock her out.

We had been through this Andy and Carly thing one too many times before.

"Adorable." Blaire sighed and rolled her eyes before turning her attention to the front of the hall.

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