Advice (Part Two)

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Advice (Part Two)

Since we had stopped to have a small chat, and Andy and Leroy had decided to wait up for us, the seats we ended up getting were non-existent. Though standing beside the bleachers among a crowd of other people wasn't the worst, and the night was still filled with yelling and screaming.

Our team lost again, of course, but it was surprisingly close, and the conversation of the game carried on throughout the car trip back into town and maintained itself as I pulled into the parking lot of The Coffee House.

"No, no, no. Our defence wasn't the problem, Leroy. We've had this discussion before," Andy argued as he stepped out of my car after Leroy. They had both been sitting in the back seat as Blaire was getting quite good at calling "shotgun".

"Usually, it isn't. But this game, our defence was terrible. If they had played how they usually do, we probably would have won," Leroy fought back, and Andy let out a deep sigh.

"I'm on Leroy's side," I chipped in, ignoring Blaire's subtle teasing. "But not entirely."

"Pete... what the fuck does that even mean?" Andy asked, making a rather flamboyant hand gesture.

"It means that the defence was terrible this game. Like, really bad compared to how they usually are. But, even if they played better, I don't think we could have won." I shrugged as I spoke and left Andy and Leroy to ponder quietly, while I continued to ignore Blaire.

"I guess..." Leroy muttered. "Our offence couldn't score in an open field."

"Maybe you should go back to the coach, Leroy. They may be looking for new players." Andy gave Leroy a light punch on the shoulder, which got him a glare.

"Maybe we should change the subject?" I suggested as I noticed Leroy getting uncomfortable with where the conversation was going.

It may not have seemed like it, but I had a feeling not making the team hit Leroy harder than he was showing.

There was a murmur of agreement that circulated our group as we entered The Coffee House and took a seat in our regular spot. Almost instantly, Sam wandered up to our table, and I did my best not to stare at him too much.

"How are we all tonight?" Sam asked, smiling down at the four of us.

"Four out of ten," Andy responded first, and Leroy shrugged and nodded as if he was agreeing.

"Don't listen to the depressing two—we're all good, thanks." Blaire smiled up at Sam, who continued smiling back.

"Same as usual?" Sam's gaze drifted over to me, and I could feel my face burning up, so I quickly turned toward the others.

"The usual?" I repeated Sam's question and received three nods in return.

"All right, too easy," Sam said with a chuckle, not waiting for my response before heading back over to the counter.

"I'm gonna be so poor by the time I finish school." Andy sighed, and Leroy draped his arm around him.

"Welcome to the club, buddy."

"You know, we can do something cheaper than getting coffee all the time," Blaire interjected and received three shocked looks in return.

"Blaire, do you have any idea of how horrible what you just said was?" Leroy asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, Blaire. What the shit?" Andy chimed in, and Blaire looked at me with a slightly pleading look.

"Back me up?" she asked in a whisper, and I chuckled.

"I think I'm gonna side with the guys on this one."

"Pfft, gay."

The words must have slipped from Blaire's mouth before she had time to stop them, as her eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped. I could see an apologetic look in her eyes and that she wanted to say sorry, but I just laughed.

"A sausage-fest of opinion." I gestured to Andy and Leroy, who both let out a chuckle.

"Well, that's one way to put it," Andy stated, looking to his left at Sam, who was bringing our drinks over to the table.

"Enjoy!" Sam placed the four drinks on the table with a smile, and I smiled back.

"I'm sure we will."

Our eyes met for a moment as he straightened himself back up before he gave one more smile and turned around. As I turned away from him and toward the coffee in front of me, I caught a glimpse of Blaire giving me a side-eye, though I did my best to ignore her.

"Hey, Pete, did Andy get mad at you the other day for ruining Halo?" Leroy asked after a few moments of silence, and Andy let out a sigh.

"Pft, I didn't get mad at him."

"You said you were going to, and I quote, 'rip his head off'."

"Well, I think I still have my head," I said, touching my face to make sure.

"I just told him not to give his homework to you. 'Cause he ruined game night."

"How old are you?" Blaire asked with a chuckle.

"Old enough to be angry about it." Andy pouted.

"If it makes you feel any better, I won't do Pete's homework anymore," Leroy suggested, and now it was my turn to pout.

"That's not fair!"

Leroy gave me an apologetic look before mouthing, 'I'm not serious.'

"Oh, shit. Roy, we gotta go," Andy said, suddenly looking at his phone, and Leroy nodded.

"Wait. Why?" I asked, looking from Andy to Leroy.

"Leroy is staying at mine tonight, and dad wants us home."

"Oh, all right, let's head off then." As I went to get up, Blaire grabbed my arm.

"You two go ahead—we'll just be a sec." Blaire gestured at the two of us, and Andy and Leroy both raised their eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah, sure. We'll go to the car," Andy said, nodding at Leroy, who stayed quiet and got up.

"Here's the keys." I grabbed my car keys from my pocket and threw them at Andy.

"Let's, uh, let's go, Leroy."

Leroy nodded at Andy again, though didn't say anything, and they both slowly walked out of The Coffee House.


A/N: Look how nice I am. ANOTHER chapter.

The last chapter got a tonne of love almost as soon as I uploaded it, so, I thought I would show some of that love back :)

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Do you think to ruin game right is reason enough to 'rip someone's head off'?

Re-write question (Actually, technically, ^ that was a re-write question because this chapter has changed completely, however, I'm on a roll with the two questions thing, so...)

Why do you think Blaire is making Pete wait behind?

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