Advice (Part Four)

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Advice (Part Four)

"Uh, come in?" I asked though I wasn't too sure why I asked. One usually doesn't do that when giving permission. Either way, my door slowly opened, and Bradly walked in.

"You could've got dressed," he mumbled as he looked around my room.

"I have pants on, shut up," I mumbled back, sitting down on my bed, and covering up my stomach rolls with a pillow. "What's up?"

"Not much," Bradly murmured walking further into my room and looking like he had no direction as to where he was going.

"I, too, wander into people's rooms late at night for no reason," I joked, and this time, I got a small smile in return.

"I'm anxious," Bradly stated, and I nodded slowly.

"Yes, which is making it difficult for you to sleep."


"And it's because of the dancing thing? No. It's because you're pregnant? Wait, no! You have herpes?"

"It's because of the dancing thing," Bradly said after he let out a soft chuckle and raised his eyebrows at me.

"So... you don't have herpes?" I asked, tilting my head.

"No, Pete."


I watched as Bradly wander slowly around my room for a little bit longer before he grabbed my computer chair and took a seat in it, wheeling it slightly closer to my bed, where I was still sitting.

"I'm doing it," Bradly said suddenly, and I nodded at his words. "I'm just... freaking out about it."

"Yeah, I can tell."

I paused for a moment and took in the sight of my brother. He was sitting almost directly under the light in my room, which was illuminating his entire face, and I could see that he wasn't getting any sleep. His eyes looked bloodshot, and dark circles were starting to form under them. His skin seemed paler than usual, and all around, he just looked terrible.

"When is the audition?" I asked, breaking the silence that I had caused.

"It's next month," Bradly answered after a moment. "So, I have three weeks to freak out over it."

"You could just not freak out over it?" I suggested, knowing that it was a stupid piece of advice.

"Wow, thank you so much for that wisdom," Bradly drooled sarcastically, and I offered him a smile in return, before deciding to give him some better advice.

"I don't know why I had to give you advice on whether you should do the audition, or why I'm helping you out now, but whatever." I paused for a moment to recollect my thoughts because if I was honest, I had no clue what I was going to say, but I gave it my best shot anyway.

"I'll say what I said before—the worst-case scenario is that you don't get it. In which case, nothing changes. You'll still be dancing, and you'll still be here, and you can forget about it. The best case, of course, is that you get the part, and the world will be filled with rainbows and a bunch of other happy crap."

"I'm not really following what you're trying to say..." Bradly interjected, looking a little confused by what I was saying. Though, I didn't blame him. I was confusing myself, too.

"I'm saying—you need to stop worrying. Whatever happens, everything is going to turn out fine. You're on a good path. Don't ruin it by lighting it on fire." I gave a thoughtful nod after I finished speaking as if it would help provide what I said more merit. Though, it was almost the same as what I had told him before.

Bradly looked at me for a few moments before looking around my room again. I wasn't too fond of seeing the people I care about worry, even if it was my brother who could occasionally be a massive asshole.

"Yeah... I know you're right," Bradly muttered, his eyes falling back on me as he stood up from my computer chair. "Uh, thanks. Night, Pete."

Bradly gave me a nod and lingered for a moment, giving me a look as though he was waiting for me to say something. He looked at me the same way he had the morning after my birthday party.

It made me feel as though he knew something, but before I could say anything, he awkwardly made his way out of my room, closing the door behind him. Sighing to myself, I placed my pillow back on the bed and reached behind me, flicking the light switch. When we first moved into the house, I had no idea why there was a second light switch in the corner of the room. But now I knew, and I was eternally grateful.

Shoving my face deeper into my pillows and curling up into a tight ball, I let the darkness of my room envelope me as I tried to settle my mind on Samuel. However, much to my dismay, my thoughts kept drifting, and before I knew it, I was falling asleep thinking about Leroy.


A/N: Such a short chapter... I is sorry.

I will upload another one straight away.

If you're reading in the future... I mean, hi.

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