Slightly Terrified (Part Two)

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Slightly Terrified (Part Two)


Mrs Tyson's voice caught me off guard, and I stumbled as I pushed forward. When I finally started to get momentum, I looked ahead and saw that no matter what I did, I was not going to catch Leroy. But I could watch him all day. I knew I shouldn't have been thinking that, but I couldn't help it. He was so perfect, and I fucking hated it.

"Looks like you're still shit at running, Pete!" Taylor chirped as I came to a stop just after her.

"I literally would have caught you if we had another five meters," I retorted with a laugh.

"But we didn't have another five meters. Ergo, you suck."

"We both know I don't know what 'ergo' means!"

"It means 'therefore'," Leroy said, coming to stand beside me and smiling at Taylor. "It's Latin."

"You're Latin," I murmured, regretting it instantly as Leroy moved his face next to my ear and whispered.

"Great comeback."

Shivers shot down my spine, and I did all I could to keep myself composed. I had known Leroy for a while now, but not once had he ever gotten that close to me, and I hated myself for wanting him to do it again. To get even closer.

"Shut up, you nerd," I said, glaring at him, while Taylor laughed and walked away.

"Do you want to come to my place this afternoon?" Leroy asked suddenly, and I shot him a questioning look.

"I thought you'd want to hang out with Grace?"

I had no idea why I said that. I should be happy that he wanted to spend time with me, even if the thought of it did make me have to fight off a few thoughts that I should not have been thinking.

"Just because I'm in a relationship, doesn't mean I'm going to stop spending time with my best friend," Leroy said with a chuckle, and I smiled. "Plus, I've been staying at Andy's, but I'm back home, and think it'd be cool if we hung out. Just the two of us."

Leroy's words made my heart flutter. Just the two of us. Did I want to be spending time alone with Leroy, considering how I was feeling? The answer to that was most definitely no.

"Why have you been staying at Andy's?" I asked, prolonging the conversation a little more before I had to answer.

"It's just... that's what friends do, Pete," Leroy replied bluntly, before shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. I'm going to get our bags, and when I come back, you better have an answer."

With a smile, Leroy turned and began walking away as the final school bell echoed through the grounds.

"What the fuck," I whispered under my breath.

Why had Leroy gotten his back up at the mention of him staying at Andy's house? I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, considering Leroy had been acting strange recently. Not just since he'd gotten a girlfriend, but before that, too. This was what happened when you noticed the little things about someone. You saw everything. Something wasn't right with Leroy, but I knew better than to pry.

Hell, I had my own problems, I didn't need to be worrying about his, too.

Still, the way he flipped from joking to being cold and blunt then back to normal was concerning. Maybe a quick talk with Andy would clear it up. Though, if Andy knew anything, I doubt he'd tell me. Good friends were like that sometimes.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and looked around, noticing that everyone had begun making their way toward the parking lot. Turning, I saw Leroy walking over to the side of the field with the rest of our P.E. class to get our bags.

Sighing to myself, I contemplated if I should go to Leroy's house or not, sadly, that was cut short as Donny stepped into my view.

"Oh, hey, Kidney," Donny drooled, and I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Kidney. Your last name is Stone," Donny explained, looking prouder than a parent watching their child walk for the first time.

"Oh... clever," I said slowly, moving to get around him, but he grabbed my arm. My heartbeat quickened.

"How are you going?" Donny asked, smirking.

"Wonderful. Slightly terrified, I have to admit. Still mad about your sister? Or is this about the party? Because I thought you were reinvited? Personally, I remember talking to you about it. Did you ever show up?"

"Have I ever punched you?"

My mind raced at his words, and I tried not to freak out at the thought of getting my ass kicked.

"Well, that didn't answer my question," I said stupidly, trying to wiggle my arm out of his grip, but to no avail.

"I don't think I have."

"Answered my question? No, I just said that."

"Punched you," Donny said, widening his smirk, and I shrunk backward.

"I know, I know. But we wouldn't want to ruin that perfect record now, would we?"

I did my best to keep my voice level and to stop it from breaking. Considering the situation, I did a pretty good job.

"A slip-up wouldn't hurt." Donny's smirk grew, and I could feel my heart beating faster, threatening to leap through my chest.

"It would definitely hurt one of us."

"Let him go!"

God, that voice was music to my ears, I didn't even have to look at who spoke before the thought ran through my mind.

"We're just chillin', man." Donny let go of my arm as Leroy moved in beside me.

"Oh, thank God," I mumbled, rubbing where Donny had been holding me. That shit hurt.

"I think you should apologise, Donny," Leroy pointed out, and I shook my head.

"Nah, it's fine. After all, we were just hanging out!" I laughed and nudged Leroy.

If we stood and made Donny apologise, the next time he got a hold of me, I felt there would be a lot less talking involved.

"See? No harm done, Roy Toy." Donny gave another smirk before turning on his heel and walking away.

"He's such a dick," Leroy mumbled and turned to look at me. "Also, I'm sorry about before, Pete. There's just... a lot of shit happening."

"Hey, don't worry about it!" I said with a grin, and I gave Leroy another nudge.

Looking at Leroy smiling shyly at me after he apologised made my stomach flutter and I could tell from the tone in his voice that the shit that was happening was weighing heavily on his mind. All of that considered, on top of the innocent way he was looking at me, my decision had already been made.

I couldn't say no to that face.

"If you want, we can talk about it at your place."

"You're coming over?" Leroy asked, the shyness had gone from his face, and excitement replaced it.

"Yeah. I'll drop the others home, then we can go to yours," I said, and Leroy nodded with a broad grin.

"We should get going. I need to grab some things from Andy's house. Are you okay with waiting there a little?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course!" I nodded as we started heading across the field toward the parking lot.


A/N: I think I'm gonna upload, like, three parts at a time. 'Cause why not?

Pete... Pete... Pete...

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