New Beginnings (Part One)

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New Beginnings (Part One)

"Don't have a panic attack," Blaire whispered as I shut my car's engine off and looked across the school's parking lot.

"Yes, that is one of my goals for today," I said, pulling my bag from the backseat onto my lap.

After the talk I'd had with Jordan, I had managed to get to sleep with a clear mind and a new outlook. I was no longer going to hide who I was or run from it.

"Remember that you aren't alone. There are people here who have got your back."

"I know, Blaire."

Clutching my bag tighter, I took a deep breath. School wasn't the thing I was worried most about. Today was the day I would be going home and facing my parents. I had packed up my clothes from Blaire's and put the bag in the backseat of my car so I could head there straight after school.

We had both agreed—groggily, in the middle of the night—that I should go home to see my parents. Blaire said the quicker I do it, the better. Which, of course, she had a point. As always.

"And I agree with Jordan. You should find Trent and talk to him," Blaire suggested, opening the passenger side door and stepping out.

Nodding to myself, I also got out of the car and locked it.

"I can't believe you spied on us."

"You disappeared! I was just trying to find you," Blaire said with a laugh as we began making our way toward the school.

"Mhm, sure you were. I think you were trying to figure out the gay agenda." I laughed, and as I did, I heard a few kids walking beside us laugh too.

"Don't worry, Pete. We all know you're going to take over the world," one of them said, and my face rested on a smile.

"That's meant to be a secret," I said, and they laughed again before Blaire, and I pulled away from them.

I had never thought it would feel this good to be myself. To have everything out in the open and not worry about what people thought. Yes, part of me was still concerned about what people would think or say, but I couldn't let that stop me. I took Jordan's words to heart, and I was going to act like me. No more masks.

"Well, that was... good job, Pete," Blaire said, giving me a nudge.

"Thanks. Have to say, I was a bit anxious when they laughed," I said truthfully, still feeling my heart thump heavily in my chest.

"I would have kicked their asses if they did anything," Blaire reassured me.

"I know, I know, Miss Badass."

Shaking my head, I soon walked into the school with Blaire by my side, and almost immediately, Andy jumped in front of us with his eyes beaming before pulling me into a tight hug. For a moment, he lifted me off the ground before placing me down again and pulling away.

"My devilled eggs and ham is growing up," Andy cooed, and I scrunched my face up.

"How endearing," Blaire scoffed, continuing to walk into the school, and Andy and I followed.

"I have to say it wasn't my best. But my brain is a mess at the moment," Andy admitted, readjusting his bag on his shoulder. "So, Pete, we both know I don't do emotional stuff well, so, I'm going to list off a bunch of things I'm feeling toward you in rapid succession, okay?"

"Sure, go for it," I said with a small laugh as we came to a stop again, and Andy moved in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

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