Advice (Part One)

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Advice (Part One)

The silence that followed what I said wasn't piercing or too uncomfortable, but it did feel as though I was being strangled. Either that or I had suddenly become allergic to oxygen. Which, in the situation I had found myself in, I wouldn't oppose that.

"Are you for real?" Blaire asked, her mouth still gaping, making the silence start to become awkward.

"Yes. No. Maybe?" Of course, I was 'for real', but in the conversation I was having, it felt as though I had become unsure.

"We are talking about Leroy Addins, yes? The guy we get coffee with every morning, and that is practically attached to Andy's hip?"

"That seems correct," I replied slowly, feeling my face burn up, yet again.

"Oh, my God. How long?" Blaire managed to close her mouth, though her eyes were still screaming as if they had just uncovered a gold mine.

"Uh, Monday, actually," I said shyly, realising how stupid I sounded.

"This Monday? Like, the one we just had?"

"That would be the one."

"Oh..." Blaire turned away from me, and I held my breath. I wasn't sure what to expect but could only hope she didn't freak out.

"It's just a stupid crush, you know? Like, I've never looked at him like this before, so it's just a passing thing. A phase!" I knew that I was starting to ramble and knew that I would continue to do so if Blaire didn't say something else. I felt as though the silence would only make things worse, and the thought that talking wouldn't did not cross my mind.

Luckily, Blaire interrupted me.

"I mean, he's not the ideal person for you to have a crush on... given that—"

"He's straight? I know."

"That, and he's your best friend. And doesn't know you're gay. And I'm sure there are other reasons, too."

"Thank you for making me feel better, Blaire," I snarled sarcastically, and Blaire looked apologetically at me.

"Sorry... I guess it's a good thing we didn't talk about his butt then, am I right?"

After deflecting a few more questions from Blaire, she eventually fell asleep, snoring loudly, and I knew I wouldn't be far behind her. The room was spinning, and memories of the night before were slipping from my mind.

Taking one last look at Blaire, I smiled to myself before closing my eyes to join her in sleep.


"Your hair is fine. Your clothes are fine. And you smell like a rainbow. Can we go now?" Blaire sat, spinning on my computer chair, whining at me from across the room as I fiddled with my shirt, looking at myself in the mirror.

Something didn't feel right.

"No, I'm missing something!" I looked at Blaire through the mirror and raised my eyebrows at her childishness.

"It's a school football game. There are literally going to be people there in pyjamas."

"But it's a Saturday football game. It's the one game a month that isn't after school, so, everyone will be fresh and not look like hell," I explained, nodding along with my words. "Plus, you know how Andy is with his fashion. Something is missing and if he notices it..."

"He'll what? Not tell you that you look fabulous?" Blaire chuckled at her own words, and I turned to face her. "Besides, isn't it Leroy you should be trying to impress?"

"Don't start this." I moved across the room and sat on my bed, dragging my good pair of shoes out from underneath it.

"Tease you about your crush? What would be the point of knowing if I can't?" Blaire stopped spinning in my chair and stood up, swaying on the spot and trying to rebalance herself. "It's all right. I'll only tease you in private."

"That doesn't make it any better."

"Oh well, Lover-boy." Blaire shot me a wink before walking over and opening my bedroom door. "I'm going to annoy, Brad. Don't be too long!" With that, she swept out of the room, leaving me sitting alone with a stupid smile on my face.

It was nice to have finally let someone in, it was refreshing, and the stupid smile on my face didn't fade. It remained as Blaire and I left my house, and it stayed plastered on my face as we drove to pick Andy and Leroy up.

This Saturday night game for us was an away game. Meaning that we had to drive forty-five minutes to, what I've been told is, a rival school. It had been a long drive. Made even longer by the fact that Leroy had called "shotgun", and nothing ever seemed to go by quickly when he was around. Not anymore.

However, it didn't change my mood, nor did the sly glances from Blaire I caught in the rear-view mirror. I was feeling great and continued to feel that way as we finally pulled up to the school of our opponents.

All there was left to do now was get through the night without making a fool out of myself with Leroy. Which I knew would be difficult, because within the eight years that we had known each other, I had embarrassed myself in front of him almost every single day. Sadly, this day was no exception.

"You're meant to mind your head when getting out of the car, Pete." Leroy's soft voice drifted into my ears, followed by a silky chuckle, as I held the top of my head, wincing slightly in pain and closing my car door.

"Yes, thank you, Leroy. I'll keep that in mind for next time," I responded coolly, doing my best to not light up at the sound of his laugh or the sight of his smile.

The throbbing, on the top of my head, was helping.

"Good start, Pete," Blaire whispered in my ear as she settled into a walk beside me, watching Andy and Leroy walk ahead of us into the unknown school grounds.

"What happened to teasing in private?" I shot back at her in a low whisper, checking to make sure the two boys ahead of us couldn't hear.

"Whispering indicates that it is private. We don't need to literally be locked behind a door together."

"Ugh, whatever." I went to speed up and catch up to Andy and Leroy, but Blaire caught my arm.

"What's your game plan, Pete?"

"My game plan?" I asked, still keeping my voice low.

"Yeah, like, are you gonna try to find a hot guy from the rival school to take your mind off Leroy? It'll be like Romeo and Juliet, except with two Romeos. Romeo and Romeo."

"Okay, I think you're taking the whole gay thing very well. So, thank you for that. But everything you said is a big no."

"What, why?" Blaire pulled my arm again, and we came to a halt. I noticed Leroy look back at us and give a confused look, though continued with Andy.

"I'm... not interested in that. Yet. I mean, I want to, but—"

"Pete, I know." Blaire chuckled. "Teasing, remember?"

"You're annoying. And now we've been left behind." I gave Blaire an uneven smile, and she stuck her tongue out at me, before grabbing my arm again and dragging me onward.


A/N: Please love me.

Everyone seems to be really liking this story so far, so, I thought I would give y'all another part!

I, of course, will keep updating this weekly, however, if you would like early updates, keep showing me how much you love it!

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On a scale of 7 to 93, how much teasing do you think Blaire will do about Pete's Leroy crush?

Re-write question:

Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of your crush?

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