A Small Crush (Part One)

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A Small Crush (Part One)

You would think it would be easy to get ready for a school football game. Put some long pants on, a shirt, and grab a coat, just in case it got cold. But, when you put four teenagers in the same room to get ready, things don't go as planned.

"Just grab any jacket!" Blaire yelled at Andy, who was still struggling to decide what to wear. "Literally, any jacket will do!"

"I have to pick the right one, Blaire!" He bellowed back, and Leroy and I just looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

Blaire, Leroy, and I had all agreed to get ready at our own houses and then meet up at Andy's home and pick him up. That plan involved Andy already being fully dressed. Which, for some reason, he wasn't.

"How about the blue one?" Blaire tried to help, but Andy just sneered at her.

"That looks too much like Peter's jacket!"

"This is painful to watch," I mumbled to Leroy who hummed in agreement.

"Andy, if you don't hurry up, we're gonna be late and get shit seats," Blaire stated, jumping up from Andy's bed and pushing Andy out of the way before sifting through his clothes.

Andy's room wasn't massive, but it fit the four of us inside it comfortably. Leroy and I were sitting on the floor, leaning up against the bedroom door. We had been doing our best to stay as far away from the clothes Andy had been throwing across the room. However, on the odd occasion, a shirt or pair of pants would still find its way over to where we were sitting and land on top of one of us.

Andy now sat on his bed, watching Blaire wade through his clothes, which, at one point, had sat neatly in the closet. Now, however, most of his clothes lay sprawled on the ground, and I was glad it wasn't my mess to clean up.

"All right, here. Put this on and shut up!" Blaire tore a faded red jumper from the closet and threw it at Andy who only just caught it before it hit him in the face.

"But, Blaire!" he whined but went quiet as Blaire glared at him.

"Put the fucking jumper on, Andy,' she warned.

"Yes, ma'am," Andy mumbled and slipped it over his head.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked, pushing myself up from the floor before helping Leroy to his feet.

"God, yes. I can't stand the smell of this room," Leroy joked, stretching his legs once he got to his feet.

"Fuck off, Roy," Andy shot him a playful glare, and Blaire and I looked at each other and shook our heads.

"All right, then, the taxi is leaving now," I announced as I opened Andy's bedroom door. "If you don't follow, I will leave without you."

"Let's do this!" Blaire yelled, and she walked past me with a small smile, which I cautiously returned.

"We're going to lose anyway," Andy mumbled, following Blaire out of the room.

"Love the optimism, Andy. Really lifts one's spirits," Leroy said, stopping just short of the door to look at me. "Jewish people, am I right?"

"I don't think... yeah, sure," I let out a chuckle and shook my head again, before following Leroy out of the room and through the house.

"Come on, taxi!" Andy yelled as both Leroy, and I exited the house after saying a quick goodbye to Andy's dad, Mark.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back before seeing that Andy was standing in front of the front passenger seat door. "Uh-uh-uh, Andy! Leroy called shotgun!"

"That didn't count!" Andy called back, and I heard Leroy laugh beside me.

"Of course, it counted! You're in the back with Blaire!" I retorted with a laugh, turning to give Leroy a wink.

"Fuck you, Peter!"

"Just get in the car," I instructed as I reached the driver's side door and unlocked it.

"This sucks." Andy pouted as he slipped into the back seat with Blaire.

"Wow, thanks, Andy." Blaire glared at Andy who shrunk in his seat slightly.

"No hard feelings?" Andy muttered. I saw him put a childish smile on his face in my rear-view mirror, and I let out a chuckle as I brought my car to life.

"I'm gonna feed you to a pack of wild dolphins," Blaire stated, and I stole another glance in the mirror to see her return the same smile Andy had given her.

"Seems harsh, but you know what? I probably deserve it," Andy responded just as I pulled out onto the road and put my car in first.

"You do," Leroy and I said at the same time, and we both laughed as I started driving toward the school.

The rest of the car trip was filled with idle chatter and the occasional teasing of Andy, but that was because he had brought it upon himself. After around twenty minutes, we arrived at the school's parking lot, and I soon found a vacant spot and pulled into it, killing my car's engine.

"Ugh, I hate this sport," Leroy moaned. I turned to look at him and saw that he was already looking at me.

"You just don't like it because you didn't make the team!" Andy stated with a laugh before jumping out of the car. "Holy fuck, it's cold!"

"Aren't you glad you got a jumper, Andy?" Blaire said with a chuckle and followed suit, getting out of the car, and leaving Leroy and me alone.

"I didn't know you tried out for the team," I said, a little surprised. I knew that Leroy liked to play soccer and used to enjoy watching football, but he'd never said anything about enjoying playing it or that he was trying out for the team.

"Yeah, well doesn't matter now anyway," he replied with a small, half-hearted smile before getting out of the car.

"It would have been cool," I mumbled to myself before finally following my friends out of the car.

It would have been cool if Leroy had made the team. I had always wanted to be friends with someone who played on the football team, mainly because I was a massive fan of the sport. I didn't get loud at the games and scream at the players, but I couldn't deny that I enjoyed it—a lot. Though I only really enjoyed the school matches, and I continually tried to tell myself it wasn't because of the fit, attractive players on the field.

"Come on, taxi man, let's go!" Andy called to me, and I looked up, seeing that he, Blaire, and Leroy had all started making their way around to the side of the school toward the field.

"Oh, good. Thanks for waiting up!" I called after them before mumbling under my breath. "Assholes."


A/N: A new part! I am a little late... I apologise!

But, I hope you enjoyed it anyway! If you did, make sure to vote on it and maybe comment why you enjoyed it?

Also, here is a question:

How are you liking the book so far?

Re-write question:

How long does it take you to get ready for an event?

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