Are we meant to be together 🐰❤🐭(part 1)

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Hello friends

Hope you all are well

This story is not from original track just a thought of mine that does every story needs a happy ending or a sad ending..................
Can't some be just incomplete.............😄

So let's continue with our sumod os
It is totally focused on sumod only

It's a season of summer... She is crying hard but no one notices her tears, it's not because she is alone... because it's raining... Raining heavily... Summer rain is not usual one... may be nature also wants to take part in her poignant... Summer rainy day... the day of enjoyment... everyone loves... why not she...? But today is different.... hot winds are turned to cool breeze... it gives pleasant to everyone but for her, it's burning... burning her more and more.... All her happiest things happened only on these days but today...?🙂🙂

Her Pov:

Today again I become all alone... why always me... why I didn't get any bliss in this world... 😣😣
My Grand pa male dominance, my dad hates me bcoz I'm girl...
my bro treats me badly bcoz I'm his step sister... 😔
my step mom no she is also my mom... she is an only person who loves me...
she filled my mom place...
but she also can't do anything unless watching my tears with her welled up eyes bcoz she is also a woman.......😔
I lost my hope in men's...but bcoz of you only I believed men's... I believed all men's are not same but again...
you only gave me love, hope, happiness everything... but today you itself taken back all those from me by saying 'it's all end'... you used the name love for your revenge for the insult, which I did to your friend... 😔😔
you said, you want to break my ego.....
you want to teach a lesson to my attitude... so only you did this... don't you heard before, "My character is who am I..?
And My attitude is who you are..?" Yeah, I slapped him... it's not bcoz of my ego... it's bcoz of his behavior... but you, you insulted me, insulted my love in front of everyone.......

don't know why even though my heart is asking you to sooth my pain... why my heads need your
why I need your embrace.... I know it's all bcoz love... a love which made me crazy on you... please come back...........
come back to me and say it was one of your usual stupid pranks...
that's enough to me... please...Still,
I remember that day just like it happened yesterday...
the day you proposed me... it's also a same summer rainy day...


After their study holiday... she returned from her home to hostel... They both are friends at that time...

He: Hey... hi... how is your study holiday madam...? Without me you enjoyed eh... She smiles faintly...

He: what happened... is everything ok..?

She: Do you know Cinderella story... One day evening she became a beautiful princess and then midnight she changed to her original attire, maid of her step mom... just like that my life... In hostel only I'm a princess ... In my home maid... Unlike Cinderella, I have all my college days... just one different ... she had Prince Kit to save her, to love her... but I...I don't have anyone in my life... she smiles and leaves... He looks on...

At Night Hostel room,

She notices a pair of turquoise crystal shoes and wonders... that looks really beautiful... she looks here and there... and find a note written: "for you, My sushi "... (Girl is none other than Sushela  she knew who used to call her sushi... she smiles and wore it... it perfectly fit into her foots... she heard some melodious music and runs towards the music... the same boy is standing there... he turns...😄😄

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