😮Inteqam😯 part 2

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Dear readers

Pramod is dead and we both only killed him. How he can come back..

Susheela see him
Flashback start;

Pramod is talking on phone with susheela..

P : ( lovingly) angel I coming.

S : ( with evil smile) but how pramod you are toh going.

P : ( confused) what are you saying angel ( smile and said) oh so my angel is teasing me..

S : ( evily laugh) haha hah hahaha pramod chautala, I m not teasing you,

P : ( confused by her tone and said) susheela what are you saying and which tone you are speaking.

S : ( with evil smile) accha leave it you answer my question, why womens have fast?

P : ( confused by her talks but said) for their husband long life..

S : ( laugh evilly) but it will be a history that your wife will be reason of your death .

P : ( shocked to listen her and said) what are you saying angel.

S : ( angrily)

yes I m saying absolutely correct mr pramod chautala, your last day is come, so start counting your time. ( laugh evilly) after your death all your property will be mine. And I will live happily with my love , my madhav. Hahahhaha hahahhahahah hahahahhahaha.

Pramod gets shocked to listen her.

P : ( shocked and said) what are you saying angel, you are joking right, what are you saying death , property , love, I m your love and who is madhav?

( unable to understand anything).

S : ( angrily) you are so dumb mr pramod chautala , I Don't love you, I love madhav..

Pramod gets shocked to core, his eyes gets teary..

P : ( crying)

Susheela you are joking right, plz angel don't joke such things, I know you love me na. Plz say it is a joke.

S : ( getting angry and said) oh shut up mr chautala , I don't love you, I love madhav.

Pramof gets breakdown to listen this.
His eyes are teary, tears are flowing..

P : ( breakdown) no it can't possible . you love me. You can't cheat me, my susheela can't cheat, she is only mine, she can't did this, she is mine.

S : ( angrily) I don't love you, and I only love your money, and after your death all will become mine.. Haha hah ha haha hah ha haha hah ha ( laugh evilly)
then me and madhav will live happily. You know what you are soo stupid that anyone can make you stupid by just one trick, and fooling you was not so difficult ,
just one smile and you gone hahhahahahah so stupid you are. Poor pramod chautala. I m feeling Pity on you ( make fake sad face). But what to do you have very bad destiny, always ,.
first your parents leave you, you try hard to become successful, love me, who come in your life to destroy you, and see now I destroyed you completely, after your death your property will be mine and tch tch you have to sacrifice your life..

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