😉Roller coaster😉

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Hello everyone

Kya hal chal

This os is after sumod confession
And i know rhotak mai koi amusement park nahi hai......but still imagine karlo naa......

Susheela and pramod were standing in front of Wonderla, an amusement park. They entered hand in hand and were delighted to witness the view in front of them. People from different age groups were enjoying themselves, they were living  a day in their life to the fullest.

Susheela was excited beyond words. She just wanted to run around the place, enjoy the rides and games. Her excitement was clearly visible in her eyes.
They were shining as bright as a sun shines on a sunny morning.
Pramod chuckled at his lady love's excitement. She never failed to surprise him. Every day he discovered a new shade of his girl. One day she would behave like his mother, scolding him for his unorganised lifestyle; the next day she would be more of a friend supporting him; and then the next day, she would stand with him, hand in hand, in front of an amusement park and squeal like a kid.

His thoughts were broken when she pulled him along with her to a roller coaster.
Pramod stood there with widened eyes, looked at the roller coaster and then at susheela. She was so excited that she failed to notice his fear. Yeah, you've read it right, fear. He was afraid of such rides.

Pramod: sushi baby are you sure about riding on this roller coaster?

S: Of course pramod, I'm waiting to ride it.

P: Aren't you scared susheela?

S: Scared of what?

P: Scared of falling down?

S(laughing): pramod, stop cracking jokes okay? And get ready for the ride.

P: Are you seriously sure?

S(looking at him finally): Yes I am! Okay wait, are you afraid? Don't tell me that you are afraid, I mean the great pramod chautala is afraid of a roller coaster ride?

Paras(looking away): N.. No.. it's.. it's nothing like that!

S: Okay so what are we waiting for? Come on hurry up.

Pramod held her wrist while she moved forward towards the roller coaster.

Pramod(closing his eyes): Okay! I admit it, I am afraid, now please? No roller coaster please?

Pramod opened his eyes when he heard her giggling. He was a bit embarrassed but that's okay. He thought it's better to let her make fun of him than to risk his life.


Five minutes later,

Pramod was one of the people who were screaming their lungs out during the ride.
He was closing his eyes and gripping the seat as tight as he could.
Susheela looked at her chotta haddi and laughed at his cute face while he was busy screaming. She placed her hand on his hand to somehow help him calm down, he opened his eyes and looked at her when he felt her hand above his.

Pramod(shouting at the top of his voice): sushela,  susheeeela save me please. I promise I won't trouble you, I promise I won't disturb you when you're busy, I promise to keep my things at their places. But please, please get me out of here.

S(suppressing her laughter): Really? You won't break or forget any of these promises right?

Pramod(closing his eyes): Ha ha, pakka, now please get me out of here.

He held her hand as tight as he could. susheela could no longer hold her laughter, she began laughing at him. He opened his eyes and glared at her.

P: susheela! I'm almost dying with fear here and you are laughing? What kind of girlfriend are you?
Please susheela, I'll not at all trouble you, you can beat me all you want, but please, I don't want to die so soon.

He continued speaking non stop, and whatever he was speaking made absolutely no sense at all.

S(holding his hands between hers): pramod! Look at me. (He was still blabbering) pramod, I said look at me!

He looked at her and stopped prattling.

S: Look! Nothing's going to happen, okay? We know right, that we won't let anything happen to each other? We will always be together no matter what! Now stop grumbling and enjoy the ride.

P: No, no, no susheela, please let us leave from here.

S: Seriously pramod? Okay, tell me, how are we going to get out of here before the ride comes to an end?

P(widened eyes): Oh no! That means, we are trapped!

S(rolling her eyes): Shut up! Listen, we love each other right?

P: What are you speaking susheela? It is not the time to romance, think about how we are going to survive this ride.

S: Shut up! First answer me! We love each other right?

Pramod: Of course susheela!!

S: Then why are you worried about this ride?

Pr: Now what do you mean?

S: pramod, love itself is like a roller coaster ride, every time there is a bump, you can either shout and fight, or hold your partner tight and enjoy the ride.
And now that you already love me truly with all your heart, then this roller coaster ride is nothing at all. Stop being a scaredy cat and enjoy the ride.

Pramod held her hand, took a deep breath, and looked around, every time there was a bump he shut his eyes completely but then he would look into sushela's eyes when she spoke soothing words to calm him.

Finally the ride was over and pramod breathed a sigh of relief while susheela laughed.

S: Another ride?

P: Do you think I'm crazy?

S: Please?

Pr: No! Better play other games, or we are heading back home.

S(pouting): I hate you chotta haddi!

P(dramatically): Ouch! That hurts Susheela!

Susheela looked at him for a moment before bursting out laughing and he joined her with the laughter. He pulled her into his embrace and she hugged him back.

Pramod: I love you susheela.

susheela: I love you too scaredy cat!

Pramod laughed a small laugh at that. Truly, love is a roller coaster ride, you are afraid at the beginning but once you overcome the fear, you ride on it happily with your soulmate.

The end


So anyone of you ever went for a roller coaster ride
If yes then how was your experience......😉😉

Finally I completed writing this scene! It was on my mind from almost one weeks but uh, well sometimes I was lazy and sometimes I was busy.😝

Anyways, how was this scene? Liked it?

Then let me know through your votes and comments.

Stay blessed! Stay happy!!❤❤

Sumod Os: Feelings Of Mine💕Where stories live. Discover now