Fake engagement 🤗

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Hope you all are well

Pichle wale os Mai target complete ho gaya tha aur meine ye likh bhi lia tha toh aaj hee daal diya😄

So this os is basically after sumod fake engagement gets broken by dp
In the show we can see how sushela gets broken from inside but makers doesn't express her emotions well

So here I thought to express her emotions from my pov and when they leave from chautala house sushela realized her love for his chottahaddi😍

It's night time

A lone figure stood on balcony of ruhail house gazing at sky unblinkingly.
Sky was full of moon and twinkling stars, bestowing its calmness and serenity on everything captivating everyone with its sheer beauty.

Wind flow slowly touching everything gently with coolness, as if making its presence apparent.

Tear rolled down from her dark brownish black eyes making its way down from her left cheek to ground, where she made no move to wipe it. Her
surrounding where was giving feel of calmness,
inside she felt tornado of emotions brewing up ragging towards her with motive of breaking her resolve of not giving up and breakdown.

Last few days proved to be toughest time of her life. In past she had suffered alot more than anyone could ever imagine.
Yet what she went through in last few days was worst than hell.
She felt like quitting everything as her endurance level decreased to point where she wanted nothing except end of everything.

Her God had something else in his mind. When world went against her, she herself lost every hope, one person stood by her side.
Not letting her withdraw herself from him inspite of her own failed attempts. He didn't let her quit reminding why she started in first place.

She knew he will move earth and heaven to make everything right. Yet she was afraid not because she doubted his capabilities, she had full belief in him.
She was afraid because of her fate; it always had snatched away her happiness.

This time he defeated it. His love was so stronger, so pure that her fate this time had to bless her with her happiness, their happiness.

Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.

She knew it, he would never give up on them and he proved her right.

Two hands slowly encircled around her embracing from behind coming to rest on her belly pulling her back in turn breaking her trance.

He nuzzled his nose in her long opened hairs taking deep breath in its aroma filling her fruity fragrance in him.

She leaned more into him closing her eyes blissfully relaxing in his embrace,
keeping her hands on his locked one. Kissing her on her hairs lovingly he stood there quietly providing her much needed warmth and strength.

"You Okay?" He asked after awhile.

"Hmm" she answered truthfully as his presence only calmed her restless heart.

Sliding her hairs slowly from her shoulders keeping them on her left one he placed his lips on her soft smooth skin rising butterflies in her stomach.

He traced exposed part of her skin visible through her dress with his lips. She arched her neck sideways letting him have his feel in his ways, with herself losing in pleasure her chotta haddi was providing.

She felt him smile against her skin seeing his effect on his sushela ji when her hold tightened on his hands trying to hold herself together.
She was sure he could hear her frantic heartbeat with her uneven breathing.

He let his lips linger more on her nape and shoulder.

"pramod" her voice came in whisper when he nipped her earlobes.

He felt his name never sounded so beautiful to him.

She turned in his arms while he held her close to himself, his hands now rested on her waist while hers remain wounded around his neck.

She gazed in his eyes, full of admiration, respect, and love for her. She felt herself drowning in them. His eyes intense
filled with passion for lady standing in front of him, his love. She thanked her god for sending him in her life.

They gazed in each other's eyes for what felt like an infinity.
Her heart burst with love for man standing infront of her, her friend, her guide, her survivor, her strength, her chotta haddi , her everything, her solace, her salvation, her pramod.

She leaned forward and placed her lips on his conveying her unsaid emotions thanking him for everything.
Pramod was shocked by her sudden

He pulled her closer kissing her softly at first as time passed what started as soft, slow peck turned into aggressive kiss, passionate pulls,
occasional bites with his hands roaming on her back pulling her more into him where hers were lost in his thick black hairs messing
them and their lips sucking slowly ending on smooches as they felt need of oxygen.

Touching forehead to each other they stood their trying to steady their breath once they broke the kiss.

"I love you pramod"

P: finally you said
S:i love you kajwab ye hota hai kya

P smiled:
"I love you too my sushela ji "

Both of them smiles whole heartedly forgetting their pain which they are suffering in morning
They both have
smiles on their face.
Smile of stasifaction,  smile of being together.....

S (in mind)
Your voice used to startle me but now your voice is the most comforting voice that I ever heard .

P: sushela ji now how we are going to face dp ji if he said you to leave me
Kya aap...

S: pramod nothing matters to me when you are with me because now you cast a spell on me spell of your love, care and support and now I never wanted this spell to end.

Pramod smiles at her words and embrace her in his arms.

S (in her mind) 
Kese mil gaye yaar tum muhje
I love you pramod i love you
I love you more than i show 😊😊

The end

"Sukoon sa mil gaya"😌😌

Did you all agree that I'm able to justify the above line after reading this os

And tomorrow I'll post a random day of sumod married life😄😄

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