Her Tom his Jerry 🐁❤🐈

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Hello friends
Hope you all are well
So here I'm back with my new one shot

And sorry in advance if you don't like it as it's also one of my stupid thought

I haven't used the track of the original show

I've only used sumod
and a new character in this one shot
And the new character is Maya chautala younger sister of pramod

Sushela and pramod studying in Final year of M. Com and Maya studying in 1st year of M. Com initially they hate each other because they both are good competitors in academics later they realise their love (but confess nahi kia hai aab tak)

Maya ( pramod sister ) goes to Sushela home to study and they are good friends. 

So here's the story begin, enjoy!!

Sushela: What the hell! Who gave you the permission to enter my room?😡

Pramod: Oh hello, neither am I desperate nor am I interested in entering your room. I just came here to pick up maya.

Sushela: So what? You could have at least knocked the door, right? Mannerless creature!😡

Pramod: What? How dare you call me mannerless? You are mannerless. Always keep defeating me in my studies. Huh!😣

Sushela: Hahaha! You're so stupid that you don't sit and study and now you're scolding me? Chi! Shameless fool.😜

Pramod: Ay Jerry, stop calling me names!😔

Sushela: No ways, you loser Tom!!
Pramod and Sushela continue fighting, meanwhile 😝😝

Maya: Stop it! How do you people gather so much energy to fight all the time? Bhai, you came here to pick me right? So come let's go and you fight with your Jerry some other day. And sushela don't worry I'll irritate your Tom in your absence.😜😜

Sushela and maya gave HiFi to each other while pramod was staring at maya angrily😧

Maya observed this and stopped laughing and pulled pramod and left to their home while Sushela started to study for her exams.

As soon as pramod and maya reach home, our hero too sent to his room and locked the door before maya could enter and start irritating him.

Maya ( from outside ): Bhai open the door na! I promise I won't disturb you. I'll just sit and study with you.

Pramod ( from inside ): No ways, now stop shouting from outside and go to your room and study 😩

Maya: susheela was right, you are a big loser, loser Tom!😤😤

Pramod: Hahaha! Very funny, now stop supporting that Jerry, go and study!
Maya leaves angrily😤

Many days passed with the same kind of silly, cute fights between these three and finally the last exam got over. Pramod came out of the exam hall and started searching for his Jerry and Maya .
After a few minutes he found maya who was crying sitting in a corner.
Pramod ran to her. As soon as maya saw him coming she stood and hugged him.

Pramod (shocked): maya, sweetheart, what happened? Why are you crying like this? 

Maya: Bhai, she left us. She left me. She left me alone.🤧🤧

Pramod: maya, who left us? What happened? Tell me clearly dear.

Maya: Bhai, Sushela left us, she said she is leaving India.

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