😣Yeh periods uggggh😣

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Hello friends kese ho aap sab

My stomach is paining like hell because of period cramps now 😵😵

So just to divert my mind i write this os

Hope you all like it
Please do inline comments.......

Pramod... " A painful moan escaped from susheela lips as she clutched her stomach, which was paining like hell.

Susheela: How much I wish, you were here.

She whispered to herself and a sob escaped from her lips. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she felt a sting in her heart.

S : For the first time, I feel alone between the crowd.

You are not there to wipe my tears,

neither anyone is.

I need you, my love.

The other side, pramod was feeling restless. He was impatiently waiting to reach CM mansion as he was out for a  meeting that was for 5 days. Only he knew, how he managed to not just escape from the meeting and rush back to his sweetheart.

Pramod car stopped outside the gate of mansion, it was around 2 am in the morning, there was no in the hell way any soul would be awake right now so he decided to directly go to their bedroom and hug his wife tightly, never letting her go again.........

His heart thudded at a fast pace and he breathed out, feeling weird. It felt as if someone close to him was in pain.

Inserting the key in the keyhole, he opened the door softly to not wake her up.

His eyes widened in shock as he opened the door. The bag which was in his hands, dropped on the ground with a thud.

"susheela...." A whisper escaped from his mouth.

There she was, curled up into a ball, sobbing silently on the bed.

P: susheela

He called out, rushing towards her. She lifted her head up from her knees as she felt him. pramod rushed towards the bed and kneeled down just in front of her.

S: I'm sure it's some dream. You can't be real.

She whispered, more tears rolling down her cheeks and lifted her hand, to touch his figure who was sitting right in front of her.

With shaky hands, she touched his hair slowly. A low gasp escaped from her lips.

P: susheela

He called out softly, getting hold of her hand which was touching him.

S: You are real. You are here...  pramod!

She cried louder and hugged him tightly, almost falling upon him. Pramof hugged her back and rubbed her back softly.

P: Hey.... I am back, right? Now please stop crying, my love.

He murmured in her ear while she cried harder, hiding her face in crook of his neck. Pramod was all confused by her behavior, he looked around and saw a hot water bag kept beside her.

Shutting his eyes, he hugged her even tighter. The pain she must be going through was something he cannot even imagine.

P: Shh.... I am here susheela. I am here now.

He whispered and she nodded, clutching his shirt. Getting up slowly from the floor, he carried her to the bed in his arms while she kept clinging onto him like a bear.

He sat down on the bed with her on his lap. Rubbing her back softly, he kept pecking her every now and then, to assure that he's here now.

S: I missed you.

She whispered in a hoarse voice and a lonesome drop of tear escaped from his eyes and fell on her head.

P: I missed you too, sweetheart.

Susheela looked up and saw pramod looking at her with uttermost love and affection in his eyes.

P: Is it paining very much?

He whispered and she nodded with tears in her eyes. Adjusting her in his lap, he kept the hot water bag on her abdomen and hugged her tight.

Susheela signed, feeling warmth of her love and security of his arms. Snuggling closer to him, she kept her head on his chest.

S: You know, I was crying from an hour and found no one beside me to console me.

I felt weird.

These thoughts are killing me from inside pramod.

I felt afraid.

I felt insecure.

I felt alone.

I felt as if I was back to my childhood days  where I was used to pain and loneliness but no one to support me.

I felt fragile

And I hate myself for feeling this

It's like.... something I cannot even explain.

She stammered, holding him tighter while he was left shocked by her confession. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he stared at the woman in his arms who seemed nothing but emotionally drained at the moment.

He could have never imagined her this sensitive, but she was. Maybe, she was the strongest woman he met but she had her own insecurities and drawbacks.

She was alone ever since, she craved for that kind of love and attention which she never got. She found her peace in him.

Hugging her tighter, he kissed her forehead.

P: I will never leave you. You will come with me wherever I go. I cannot leave you alone.

At least not after what happened today.

I love you, susheela.

More than you will ever imagine.


The end

Anyone want to read another one shot regarding this topic......

Spoiler for my new os

This os is of two parts
Susheela will be in grey shade for one part then in another one she will realise hersl mistake........

Thukrake mera pyar
Mera inteqan dekhegi tu

Revenge is not all about punishment just forgive them it will be the biggest punishment......

I am going to publish this os after completing unconditional love wali series....

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