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Kese ho aap sab

P: susheelaaa

He called out her name as soon as he entered their room. All that was roaming on his mind was his wife's sobbing voice when she called him, his heart was thumping loudly just by imagining the possibilies.

There she was curled up into a ball, her head buried into crook of her knees, her body was shaking which clearly indicated that she was crying.

P: susheela

He called out softly, trying to calm his racing heart which was thinking of worst possibilities, he was panicking inside. He took long strides towards her and stood in front of her.

He lightly caressed her hair and she looked at him, her eyes were red and puffy from constant crying.

P: susheela, tell me what happened. Did anyone said something to you? Did anyone hurt you?

He asked softly brushing her hair away from her forehead while trying to stop his own tears that were threatening to fall.

S: chotta haddi

Her voice choked and came hoarse due to the lump formed in her throat. She got up slowly and hugged him tightly, sobbing on his chest. She was clinging onto his shirt, he was all confused due to her behavior.

P: shh calm down, please tell me what happened.

He caressed her head and wiped her tears with him thumb.

S: mom

She hiccuped and he got up to give her a glass of water.

P: did mom say something to you?

She nodded and looked at him teary eyes.

P: wait I will ask her only. Mom!

He called out her name loudly and she entered the room with a panicked expression.

Mini: what happened pramod? Wait, what happened to susheela? Why is she crying?

She asked while susheela tried to wipe her face with her shaky palms.

P: I should ask you mom. Did you said something to her? She was all crying and called me.

Mini: but I didn't said anything to her.

She was confused unable to get the fact and seeing susheela cry, it confused her even more.

S: mom didn't let me eat ice cream.

She said in a timid voice which made pramod confused and shocked.

P: what!?

Mini banged her forehead, she should have understood by now. Her mood swings!

Mini: beta you shouldn't eat ice cream during this time na.

She said softly and caressed her head while she hid her face into his chest.

P: during what time?

Mino: during menstruation. She is on her periods and wants to eat ice cream! It's not good for her health.

She tried to convince her while susheela cried more. Pramod now understood from where these mood swings came and why is she behaving like this.

P: it's OK mom, I will handle her. You can go.

Mini: OK but remember one thing. Right now she needs extra care and try to lighten her mood.

She came forward and caressed her hair. Giving the couple privacy she left them alone.

P: susheela. See mom wasn't wrong, it's harmful to eat ice-cream or any other cold dish during menstruation. It can increase your cramps even more.

He cooed near her ear and she looked at him with moist eyes.

S: but I was craving for ice creams.

Before she could start crying again, he kissed her to shut her up. She was taken aback but kissed him back, it was a slow, tender kiss full of care and affection. He pulled back and rested their foreheads together.

P: Wait I will bring something for you. 

He said little breathless due to short of breath, kissing her forehead he left from there.

Susheela was sitting on the bed, she touched her lips and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

P: Mrs chautala, I won't mind kissing you again if it lightens up your mood and I would love to witness your blush again.

She heard a voice and looked at the door, there he was walking inside with a bowl and a hot water bag.

P: here! Have some melted chocolate, it will give you relief from your cramps. 

Susheela eyes were again moist witnessing his care for her.

S: but how do you know all this?

P: Mrs susheela pramod chautala I think you're forgetting that I am a doctor.

S: thank you.

She said as she took a spoon full of melted chocolates, to her surprise it actually soothed her pain down to an extent.

P: by seeing your face I can feel that you are feeling better now.

She nodded with a smile and a small smile appeared on his face too. Seeing her happy gave his heart a relief, his own heart beat was finally at pace.

P: here give it to me.

He took the bowl from her and made lay down on the bed, covering her with duvet he kissed her forehead. He was going to keep the bowl but susheelw held his hand not wanting to let him go.

Sighing, he kept the bowl on the bed stand and sat on the bed.

S: come here

She patted on the empty side indicating him to lay down beside her, he did so and she hugged him. she hid her face into crook of his neck, inhaling his cologne.

He tangled himself into her, keeping her close to him. He just prayed to God to not make her suffer too much during this phase. He kissed her crown and sleep overpowered their senses in the arms of each other.

Two bodies tangled into each other, one was in pain while the other one's heart pained seeing her in pain. They were soaking each others warmth to calm their abnormal beating heart.


he end

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