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Hello friends

Kese hoo aap sab😄😃

Sushii! " there came a loud booming voice making her startled for a moment. She looked up from her files to the young man standing in front of her. Her best friend 

His perfect beard complementing his sharp features, deep brown intimating eyes which held capability to scare anyone, his jet black hair set perfectly, dressed in a business suit.

She narrowed her eyes, looking at him from head to toe.

S : Mr pramod chautala I thought you were on leave today, weren't you? Then what is this? Why in the world are you wearing a business suit?

She finally asked, closing the file of her patient and stood up. Her big doe shaped orbs, long wavy hair, small petite body, her white doctor coat making her look mesmerizing.

P : umm! Wo actually, I had an urgent meeting so I had to attend it.

He said, sheepishly, scratching back of his neck. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, she looked at him.

S : paro not again! You promised that you would take a day off and then half of your day with family then half with me. This is not fair!

She whined and pouted. He took long strides towards her.

P : sushi! Please. Forgive me for this time, see I directly came from meeting to here. Please forgive me na!

He tried making puppy face, but failed miserably.

S : eww! Please don't make puppy faces. You rather look like a pit bull dog, big, fat, scary.

She shuddered and he looked at her agape.

P: pit bull! Seriously susheela!

He face palmed and she burst out laughing. Taking her small steps towards him, she engulfed him into a hug from her small arms. He smiled and wrapped his big arms around her petite body. Resting his chin on her head, he let his heart breathe properly.

He smiled, thinking how perfectly she fitted in his arms. Just perfect.

S : stop being melodramatic now. But you need to repent on your mistakes.

She mumbled into his chest making him chuckle. His body vibrated as she felt tingles in her body.

P : fine! Now I am all yours for today. Tell me what do you want to do?

Susheela pulled back from the hug, he suddenly missed her warmth against his body.

S : umm firstly let me get out of the hospital.

She said, making faces. He looked at her with adoration. His best friend is way too cute!

P: come let's go.

Sumod Os: Feelings Of Mine💕Where stories live. Discover now