🤗Unconditional love -2🤗

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Hello friends

After a leap of 8 month!

In this 8 month many things changed.
Kd accepted garima as his working daughter in law..
Now she have no problem with her working in salon....

Sumod now came more closer to each other thay both love each other more than anything.....

But susheela is missing pramod 's romantic side because from past 1 month pramod stop talking much with susheela always remain busy in his work. Susheela is missing his romantic and naughty side.

At Night!

In Sumod 's Room!

Susheela is sitting on bed with angry pout.

Susheela : Dr.pramod chautala , what you think about yourself haan? How you can ignore your wife? First you made me habitual of your naughtiness and now suddenly you became so much workaholic that you forget your wife too in your work. now don't smile like this. I will not come in your smile.
( slap his pic in hand) Here your wife is missing you and you are in hospital. Don't know what happened to my extra romantic husband who is now becoming extra workaholic. Ahh! ( cry face) But tonight I will not leave you. I will punish you for ignoring me. ( angry pout).

She is waiting for pramod sitting on bed looks at clock which showing 1:00 Late night. slowly her eyes become drowsy in sleep. She start yawing trying to avoid her sleep but couldn't sleep take over her. She sleep on bed holding pramod 's pic.

Mid night ( 3:am)!

Pramod enter inside room all tired, hairs are messy but still giving him cute look.
He smile seeing his wife who is looking so cute while hugging his pic in sleep.
He come near her sit beside her take pic from her hand place on table take her hand in his plant a soft kiss on her hand.

Pramod : ( in mind) I know you are angry on me because I am not giving you time but when you will know the reason your all anger will become lost. ( chuckles peck on her lips, susheeela smile in sleep feeling his touch hold his hand)
Hayee! My Vanilla is looking so cutie pie in sleep. ( again peck on her lips) I can't wait for tomorrow. ( pick susheela in arm slowly move out from room).


Susheela is sleeping, her sleep break by feeling kiss on cheeks. She open eyes find pramod smiling at her kissing her cheeks to wake her up. Susheela smile at him.

Susheela screamed seeing herself in a small room.

Susheela : ( shocked) pramod! What we are doing here? and how I land here? I was sleeping in our room then how I am here?

Pramod : (huskily near her ear) We are in plane for Paris.

S : ( shocked) Paris but why?

Pramod : ( blew air on her neck make her shiver) did you forget what I said? When everything will be fine. We will go to Paris for honeymoon. So we are here for our honeymoon.

Susheela remembered how pramod told her that they will go to honeymoon in paris. She blushed hard by this.

Suddenly remember his last 1 month behavior make angry pout. Pramod chuckles seeing her face understand she is angry on him.

Susheela : ( angry) now you remembered your wife. Where you were 1 month? Now I don't want to go with you anywhere. Take me back to home and you go alone.

Pramod : ( romantically) susheela ji! What I will do going alone in honeymoon. You are important for the process of honeymoon. ( kiss on her nape).

S : ( blush but side him) Then Where you were 1 month? You were ignoring me. you know how much I was missing your naughtiness and romance.

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