Are we meant to be together🤗 (part 2)

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Hello friends

Hope you all are well

So let's continue our os
And this was last part of this os 😀

Pramod while hugging her

Pramod: sushela please come back... why you did this...
for that insult... I never meant those words...
I love you sushela... you are my strong girl na...
please come back... how could you leave me like this...
all are my lies... I lied you because I don't want to destroy
your life.......

how can I say I'm suffering from brain diseases... I'm getting colour blindness...........
how can I say I'm dying... my life span is few months only........
I know you won't leave me........
I want you to be happy........
I want you to move on...
so only I said I never loved you... but the truth is I love you... love you more than anything.......... you are my Cinderella........
how can you leave me.......
please give me some punishment... but not this........
He sits on his knees and cries hiding his face.......

Doc: Mr.Chautala, she had this suicide note in her hand...

He gives one letter to him...
Pramod was more shocked to see those paper.........
it's his medical report... his hand trembled.........
he saw sushela standing in front him with blood shot eyes.......
he received one tight slap from her... her fingers print n his cheek.......

Pramod: sushela are you alright... he touches her and cups her face...nothing happen to you na... (he hugs her tight...) I never allow any bad things to touch you........

Sushela angrily pushes him... Pramod looks his report again...

P: sushi this is fake... lemme explain... the truth is I don't love y...

His word left incomplete... she again left her finger print on his cheek and angrily held his shirt collar...

Sushela(angrily): sushi... my foot.. u never loved me no.........
what do you think Mr.Chautala I believe all your lies........
no... I love your lies, it doesn't mean I believe it..........
do you think your one insult part away me from you..........
no, you are wrong... your love overpowered
all those insult Mr.pramod  chautala... I love you... will always love you... none can change that... what will you do suppose it happens with me... you will leave me na...

He shuts her mouth angrily... she takes off his hand...

Sushela: Oh sir getting angry... he stands numb.........

she cups his face...

Sushela: pramod I always wanted someone to understand me, care for me, love me.........
who would accept who I'm........
I found that person in you... you are my life pramod.........

My prince kit... you filled my dark life with color........
lonely heart with love...
you are my first love and my last hope........
how can I leave you........
I know nothing will happen to you... we will live this life together... she hugs him tightly.........
You are Love of my life... I Love You pramod.........
tears flow from his eyes.......
he hugs her back...

Pramod: I Love You too sushela............
I'm sorry.......
he held his ear cutely... she smiles...


Bcoz of sushela insistence pramod goes for the second opinion...
Doc says if he did operation... there is 10% survival for his life..........
Sushela holds his hand happily...

Pramod Pov

when the doc says 10% its seems nothing to me... bcoz I heard this from, so many doctors.......but for her its ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn percent.......
She holds my hand with full of hope... I don't want to be made it false...
her face glows... her lips curved into a smile...
that's enough to me... Her hope giving me more and more confident... frankly speaking I don't want to die... I want to live my life with her... with her smile...
I want my day to start with her and end with her...
so I agreed...
I know its waste of time... even though I agreed for her sake...

he sighs...

Pov ends

Operation day,

They ready for operation... Doctor ask sign her some papers for his operation ...
she signs those paper ... Pramod looks at her...
he encircled her in his embrace... she smiles at him......
he too smiles...
she placed her lips on his... they share a passionate kiss...

Sushela: your Cinderella is gonna to wait for you...
she takes the shoes from her bag which he gifted to her...
place one shoe near his bed...
and took another with her... after your operation bring this shoe to your Cinderella...
my prince kit...
I know you will do every wish of mine.......
this is also one of my wishes...
she kisses his forehead and leaves from his room by controlling her tears...

Pramod Pov: 

We have to sign together to register my marriage........
but today she has signed alone these paper.......
I knew what is written in that paper "if anything happens to me Hospital is not responsible.."
how hard this to my sushi... her hands shivered when she signed those paper........
I clearly saw it... my sushi-controlled her emotions...
she is more afraid than me...
she smiles only for my sake... bcoz I hate tears in her eyes...
I too smile at her bcoz I don't want to make her weak...
I inhale her fragrance and registered her smile in my heart... her kiss, hug... maybe it was last one...
that's enough to me........
she wished me to bring her shoe...
I don't know that I will make true this wish............ but I want to do... he sighs......

The doctor takes him operation theater... his friends waits outside of the theater while sushi leaves from there with heavy heart hoping he will come back to her...

Sushela Pov: 

today is his operation... Doc asked to sign me some papers, after reading that all my worlds' bcm darken to me...
"In case anything happens to the patient after the operation the hospital will not be responsible..." what
they meant by the patient...
he is My life... My love.....
they dint understand that...
I signed those papers, my hands start to tremble...
I'm really afraid...
I don't want to be made him weak... so I smiled...
he smiles looking at me...
his embrace gives me more confident...
I asked him to bring my shoe after his operation and leaves from there... bcoz he made all my wishes true... why not this..?
I knew nothing happen to him.... bcoz still, my heart is beating... it's not stopped yet........
he will surely come with that shoe for his Cinderella......
and soon we will sign my marriage registration certificate together... she closes her eyes feeling him.......

Rain starts to drizzle... Both remembers their happiest moment spent together...their first meeting... her word excuse me......
the first kiss... first hug... love confession......
every good thing happen between them... one cute smile appeared on their faces...

Screen freezes with pramod in operation theater...
Sushela waiting for him in the same place where he proposed... and that shoe...

All her happiest moment happen in summer rainy day... today also Raining...

What you guys think... Did this rainy day is the happiest day of her life also just like other one..?
Did she get her love back...?
Did her Prince kit return to her with shoe..?
Did her waiting is worth..?
Did this Summer Rainy Day will favor her Or fate decided something else...?

The end


The story always ends when it get happy endings... it doesn't mean every story needs happy ending.......
She loves, happy ending... I too love a happy ending... what about yours..???? The choice is yours... 😋

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