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Hello friends
Kese hoo aap sab.....

Just a random thought of mine susheela and pramod are in same company working together..
Pramod loves susheela

" susheela!! Would you like to come out with me for a movie" pramod said looking in the mirror practicing hundredth time how to ask from susheela for a movie date. 

" no no agni its too formal" pramod shook his head at his best friend standing little far looking at pramod's antics annoyingly.

" susheela!! I really like you and i want that we should go out for a movie" pramod changed his line.

" how's it??" pramod asked from agni.

" ohh god pramod just go and say let's go for a movie sushi baby" agni being a cool guy said.

" BABY!!!!!!! Never what she will think about me??" pramod's eyes widen.

" than spend your whole life talking to the mirror and someone else will take away susheela" agni said loudly and rushed out of the washroom.

Pramod's pov:

Hi!! I'm pramod, full name pramod chautala  famous for being nerd since school time.
I have only one best friend agni who is totally opposite to me, cool handsome and girls are always drooling over him.
Don't think I'm jealous and I'm not that fond of girls but i just need one girl who should droll over me no no i mean i need only one girl's attention and she is my love,
my susheela. Since one year she is my one sided love. I seriously have no idea what she feel for me but definitely don't dislike me bcoz she is the one who always speak politely with me unlike other girls who make faces bcoz i wear specks.
I and agni are software engineers, we had studied together in delhi and currently doing job in Bangalore. Its being two years since I'm working here.
The first year was normal like i was always indulge in my work and hardly cares for my surroundings but then susheela joined the company and many things changed.

I start getting distracted and keep on admiring her. She is so cute and pure. Whatever is in her mind that's reflected on her face. She has no grudges with anyone.

Earlier i used to like her but when it turned out to be love i didn't realized. I want to start our relation slowly so first step I'm going to take is, going out for a movie with her.

From last one week everyday i book two tickets and at the end i never had guts to ask her and ticket get in trash. But today i will say by hook or by crook. Let's go pramod.

Pramod's pov ends.

Pramod was still now in his office's washroom and doing practice. He saw its 5 in the evening and susheela will be leaving so he hurried towards her desk.

"Hey susheela" pramod nervously said coming near her.

" ohh hello pramod what's up??" she smile then again got busy in gathering her stuff.

" are you free today??" He asked.

" yeah but why??" susheela raised her brow twisting her lips.

" woo if u don't mind we can go out for a movie tonight" finally pramod said in one breathe closing his eyes.

" that's great but will you get tickets suddenly??" susherla asked blinking her eyes.

"I had already booked you just say yes" pramod blurted. 

" already???" susheela smile at his innocence how easily he told the truth.

" yeah i thou..ght you wo.n't say no" pramod said hesitantly.

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