😘Another Letter😘

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Hello friends

This is another random thought of mine
Sumod are in college and susheela loves pramod so she writes this for him.........

Dear pramod,

The leaves wait for the sunlight to embrace them. The leaves need sunlight. The bees wait for beautiful flowers to blossom, they wait until the serene gorgeous petals of a flower stretch themselves with absolute elegance.
The bees need flowers. The waves wait to see their beloved, the moon, the full moon.
The waves need the moon to look breathtaking.
Pramod, the world might deem my feelings for you to be a mere crush, or possibly, the worst of all, physical attraction. But, I know better. I know that like the leaves need sunlight, like the bees need flowers, like the waves need the moon, I need you. They say..

"Immature love says, 'I love you, because I need you', but,
Mature love says, 'I need you, because I love you'."

Well, I don't really know if mine is a mature love or an immature one, but believe me, I know that I love you. Please, do not underrate my feelings for you, my love for you to be a mere attraction.

I love you with all my being, and even though it seems to be too cheesy and cliché, I would definitely shout out to you that.. 
I would take a bullet for you.
I would drown myself to death, for you. 
But above all, I would live,
I would live to protect you,
I would live for you,
'Cause dying is not the criteria, living is..

Please, let me hold you in my arms until the beats of my heart soothe you, let me hold you in my arms until you're strong enough to move into light from the darkness that's surrounding you,
let me hold you in my arms until I help you to walk through the darkness, defeating the demons of hatred. Please, open the door to your heart for me. If not a door at least take out the key from the keyhole of the door so that I could seep into your heart through that tiny keyhole.

Please, let me love you.. 
I need you to let me love you to the fullest..

Yours, until death do us apart,

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