Marriagr anniversery😘

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Kal wali os kuch zayad hee emotional ho gai thi so i thought to write something cute cute so here u go

Its after one year marriage of sumod

A beautiful morning

Pramod and sushela were sleeping in each other's arms.As sun rays fell upon them they opened their eyes.

Sushela smiled at him:Happy...

Pramod :Good morning sushela ji ..
Sushela:Good morning.

Pramod:Why did you say Happy?Were you planning to say Happy morning?He started laughing.🤣😂

Pramod:Well..Happy morning is not bad.It's interesting.What about saying Happy morning instead of good morning every day?

Sushela:Bad joke.Are you crack?

Pramod:Why are you angry now?I just said I will also wish you Happy morning from now onwards just like you were going to wish me Happy morning.

Sushela ignored him angrily. She got up from the bed and walked out.

Pramod : u can't predict when the wife gets angry.

Sushela was taking a shower.She thought in irritation pramod does'nt even remember the importance of today's day.He is more interested to wish me a Happy morning.He spoiled my morning.

Let me wait and see if he will spoil the whole day.
She came out of the bathroom.

Pramod's eyes widened seeing his darling wife in bathrobe.

Sushela:Why are you staring at me?Have you not seen me before?

Pramod:If I look at you with love also you are angry.

He walked towards her and pulled her closer romantically making her closer.

He rubbed her nose with his.sushela was lost in that moment.

Suddenly she thought can't be a weak wife who surrenders to your husband's romantic buttering.
He forgot today's date completely.He should not be allowed to romance with you.

Pramod realized that sushela got distracted.
Pramod:What happened sushela ji?

Suddenly she pushed him:Stay away from me.She went to change her dress.

Pramod :What a push!Guess she is drinking a lot of protein shake these days.She is so strong.

Sushela is in the kitchen.Pramod called her

P: susheeeeeeeelaaaa jiiiiii

S face blossomed:
Guess he remembered today's importance.She ran towards him.

Sushela smiled:Finally you remembered?

Pramod:Yes sushela ji.Finally I remembered that i have to start drinking green tea from today onwards.
Please give me green tea.I will drink it though i don't like it.

The smile disappeared from sushela's face.

he clutched the newspaper he was holding tightly
S go towards him in anger.

She snatched the newspaper from his hand and yelled at him:You are only thinking of eating and drinking?

Pramod:Why are you getting angry?You only told me to start drinking green tea from today onwards.Like an obedient husband I am doing it.Still angry?

Sushela walked off angrily.

Pramod:I am repeating my dialogue.u Can't predict when the wife gets angry.

In the evening...

Sushela:I am a fool to wait for Pramod to remember what today's date is.So I myself have to take the initiative to celebrate it.

Sushela took Pramod to a restaurant for dinner.

Pramod :I am impressed sushela ji.You surprised me by taking me for dinner.
After a long time a beautiful dinner date.A combination of my favourite dishes as well as your favourite dishes.Classy

Sushela:Because I have a class and a good memory power.

Pramod :Well..why did you arrange such an expensive dinner?Usually you arrange such lavish dinners only on special occasions.

Sushela lost her control:Still you can't remember that today is a special day and that's why I brought you here?

Pramod got embarrassed.

Pramod:Sorry baby.I really forgot.
Let me think. After 2 min
Now I got it

Sushela smiled:At least now you remembered.

Pramod :Today is my birthday.Right?That's why you ordered my favourite dishes.I don't know how I forgot my own birthday.

Sushela yelled at him:If it's your birthday why would I order my favourite dishes too?

Pramod became dull.Suddenly he smiled.

Pramod:Then it's your birthday.So you gave me treat.Right?

Sushela frowned:Oh are impossible.On my birthday why should I fill the table with your favourite dishes?
I am not a mahan wife.Still you can't remember anything.
Such a boring husband you are!I am going.

Sushela got up angrily to go.

Suddenly Pramod held her hand

.sushela looked at him with hope:You remembered now?

Pramod:Before going, pay the bill as I forgot to take my purse. Then go

Sushela gritted her teeth in anger.She opened her hand bag to take money.

Suddenly she saw a small box inside.She took it out without understanding anything.

She looked at pramod.

Pramod smiled:Open it.

Sushela opened it with hesitation.She was stunned to see a glittering diamond ring there.

Sushela :How did this land up in my hand bag?

Pramod smiled:I only kept it in your bag.Happy marriage anniversary my love.

Sushela looked at him with disbelief:You remember it?

Pramod:Yes.I wanted to surprise you.That's why I pretended that i forgot that today is our wedding anniversary.

Sushela was embarrassed.

Sushela:You fooled me.She started kicking his shoulders and hands.

Pramod: sushela ji......this is a public place.If others see you beat me on our wedding anniversary itself you will accused of domestic violence.

They both burst into laughter.

Pramod:May I?

Sushela:Is there any need to ask for that?What are you waiting for?

Pramod took the ring and slipped onto her finger.He smiled at her:Happy marriage Anniversary sushela ji. 

She smiled at him:Happy marriage Anniversary pramod.

The End

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Cute Wala romance
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Journey of sumod love

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