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Hello friends

Hope you all are well

After posting my new os i recevied at least 16 msg from you all to write something happy.....so here u go

it was just a cute secen of sumod after their marriage life

And dont worry i have 15 darfts and all are with happy ending some are funny some cute some romantic......

So dont worry and be happy 😚😙😗😊😋😀😁😘😍

Sumod are married

In night

In sumod room.....

Susheela is brushing her hairs at night time. Pramod is admiring her lovingly then think something. Susheela come on bed after it.

Pramod: ( extra sweetly) Shona babu. ( hug susheela sidewise kiss on her cheek).

Susheela see him who is showing teeth to her make her suspicious.

S : ( raise eyebrows) what do you want? Why this much sweetness suddenly?

Pramod : ( act like shocked) hawww! So you think I call you sweetly only when I want something?

S : Yes Mr Chautala . I know you in and out so tell me what do you want? ( while raising eyebrows).

P : ( smile sheepishly) Yes my sushi baby. I want brownie. ( sweetly).

S : ( widened eyes see time which showing 11:00pm) At this time. You already had your dinner.

Pr : ( smile sheepishly) I am feeling to have. Please make brownie by your sweet hand. ( kiss on her hand).

S : No! No brownie. ( pramod make fake sad face) pramod!!!! Don't blackmail me by your cuteness. No Means No! Food should have on time.

Pr : susheela ji !!! You behave like a strict mother. You are my wife not mother. ( make faces)

S : Mr chautala every husband is another kid of her wife and wife is also another mother of her husband. (Smile).

Pramod : ( sweetly) sushi please. Babu please.

S: No!!!

Pr : Okay fine! ( lay on bed cover him with blanket with angry pout).

Susheela shocked listening him then shook head smile at his antics.

S : ( try to pull blanket) chotta haddi!!! ( but pramod griping it more) pramod!! Don't behave like kid. ( but pramod not listening).

Susheela feels hurt by his ignorance go from there.

After sometime!

Pramod don't feel anything uncover his face see susheela is not in room become worried seeing her not in room. He can't bear if he don't see his susheela ji.

P : ( worried) May be she got hurt. I am so mad. Where she went? ( but then see a bowl in front of him his curve turn into smile) brownie.

He see find susheela who is showing him plate of brownie. He take it start having like kid. Susheela admire him sit beside him.
He complete his brownie while enjoying it. Susheela wipe his lips which has brownie with her dress.

P : ( smile seeing her care for him peck her lips) Thank you my queen. I love you.

S : ( hug him) I love you too pramod.

Pramod : ( confused) But you adamant that you will not give brownie then how you become ready?

S : ( sadly) Because you were not talking to me. Pramod I can bear anything but your ignorance kills me.

Pr : ( feels bad) I am sorry. ( susheela nod no peck his lips. pramod smile take her lips in kiss in between of kiss) I will never ignore you susheela ji. (susheela smile both lost in the moment).

The end

Now I also want to eat brownie
Any foodie like me😋😋😋

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