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kese ho aap sab

👻A nightmare👻

Holding each others' hand, they were strolling on an abandoned, dark street. Even when the cold breeze attacked them, they felt warm; after all, they were with each other, and that means their warm, passionate and intense love was in the air. So, it's obvious that they felt warm.

Pramod grinned like an idiot at his lovesick thoughts and turned to look at his lady love. Her bangs were covering her pretty face. He raised his hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. He looked at her and he was shocked. Wait, shocked is an understatement. He was shocked, horrified, terrorised, panic-stricken and what not.

"li..lil.....lily", he managed to utter with a voice barely audible to his own ears.

'lily😨 Oh my God! What the hell is she doing here? Where is sushela? Wait, did she kill sushela? NO!! God!! Please save me from this girl. And please, please send sushela here as soon as possible. PLEASE!!! Only she can help me, God, please...' He thought.

Lily was looking at him with lots of love.😍 She smiled at him and leaned in towards him, gaze fixed on his lips. Pramod did not know what to do, beads of sweat were visible on his forehead. He just shut his eyes as tight as he could and "susheela", he shouted and pushed lily who was leaning on him


Susheela landed with a thud on the floor. She sat up rubbing her head which hit the table next to the bed due to her sudden, unexpected fall. 😂

"Pramod chautala!"

And pramod sat straight on the bed and looked around for... Umm.. Lily?

"Susheela? What are you doing here? Where's lily? I mean she was with me, right? And, what am Idoing in our room?", pramod was completely out of mind! (Well, that's what I think. Don't youguys too think that he's out of mind?)

"pramod!! YOU WERE DREAMING OF lily!?"

pramod looked around and finally realised that what he'd seen was nothing but a dream. Well, a nightmare, probably!

Susheela got up and stood on her feet, glaring at her husband who had been dreaming about lily.

She looked at him who was now looking at her with wide open eyes. Her eyes got teary looking at him and she looked away to hide her tears from him.

She begun walking towards the couch. That'swhere she slept whenever they'd fight. pramod looked at her walking away from him and he felt a tug at his heart.

"SusheelaSusheela, wait! Listen to me-"

"Let go of me, pramod!", she muttered almost to herself trying to free her wrist that he'd caught hold of.

"sushi baby! Please, listen to me at least!"

Susheela threw away his hand from hers and strode angrily towards the couch and pretended to sleep.

Sumod Os: Feelings Of Mine💕Where stories live. Discover now